
Driving Directions to Mexico?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I give up. I am trying to find out how long it would to drive from Los Angeles to Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico (near Guadalajara). Half the sites/maps I go to don't seem to accept driving directions to Mexico (INCLUDING GOOGLE, unless you want to tell me what I'm doing wrong). Yahoo! Maps will give me directions to Tijuana, Mexico & Ensenada, Mexico - but not to Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico. I've tried shortening it to just Zapopan or just Jalisco or even Guadalajara, and it's not working. So, I give up - what am I doing wrong? Can you not drive there!?!




  1. hahaha, hold on don't give up yet, give up after knowing how many hours you'll need to drive!! from Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico to Zapopan Jalisco Mexico is going to take you around 20 hours and 45 minutes, and 2,100km. I am from Zapopan which is really close to Guadalajara, maybe you can try driving from los Angeles to the border to mexico, Mexicali, BC, Mexico, and then all the way to zapopan, if you want to know how to do it you can go to the secretaria de comunicaciones y transporte's webpage and click where says traza tu ruta (i'll give you the link then just complete the information to get directions, this webpage will give you kilometers, the amount of money you'll need (tolls) complete directions, driving time and so much more info that I am sure will help you, in caseyou need help with spanish let me know i'll be glad to help, now you just need to see how to get to the border to mexico, might help you :) good luck!!

  2. Hey we're from Zapopan..maybe i know you?

  3. See site below for my favorite Mexico  directions info.   I find that this site is too optomistic on times....need to add 3 to 4 hrs to what it says to be realistic. You really need to get a Guia Roji, the Mexican road atlas.  If you cannot find it at a major book store, you can order it from  See second site below for info on the car permit you will need and 3rd site for my favorite mexican car ins. agency.

  4. 3 days (maybe 2.5) from Nogales with driving of 8-9 hours each day.  Highway 15 goes from the border to Guadalajara.  Don't drive at night even if highway 15 is a good toll road

    You can figure out the LA to Nogales part

  5. From Guadalajara to Tijuana is around  2 days.(In a bus)

    But I really DON"T reccomend driving there.

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