
Driving Test..?

by Guest56519  |  earlier

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Tomorrow im going to take my drivers test for my license i already took it 2 times and Missouri if you take it 3 times and fail you have to go to driving school..the reason why im failing is because of nerves can anybody give me some advice on how NOT to be nervouse cause i do believe i can do it its just..i dont know its stressful to cause im about to be a senior with no license




  1. I took mine today, my method was to imagine the examiner as your instructor (if you had one, I'm speaking from the UK, don't know how it works in the US) and drive as usual. I only got nervous just before he told me my result but I'd passed.

    Best of luck

  2. I'm going to take mine tomorrow too.  After reading your question you made me scared. Just take it easy, you know you can do it, just have some self-confince. If it helps image that they are in their underwear or something or just think your driving with your parent.
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