
Driving (UK) - crossing into other lane to get past obstacles on my side?

by  |  earlier

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Im trying to get the hang of this but am having some difficulty. as i understand it - if the obstacle is on my side of the road it is my responsibility to find a place in the road on my side to go in so other cars can pass.

but how about if im driving on a high road and -lets say- a bus has stopped at a bus stop - im trying to work out when it is safe to pull sometimes when i have pulled out a car suddenly appears from the other side which is awkward. sometimes the bus pulls out suddenly.

but if i try to play it safe - then sometimes someone behind me beeps their horn to get me to go, even if im not sure.

whats the position here - can i position my car to let them go past me and overtake both me and the obstacle. i don't see why i should have myself forced into an oncoming road becaused someone behind is in a rush.

obviously if the road is 100% clear then i go - but when its 50%..whats the best thing to do - are there any online resources to explain ?





  1. Forget the impatient fool behind you,  let them beep their ears off if they wish.

    You never pull out to go around an obstacle until there is a 100% certainty that you can do so safely.   If you pull into another lane and get involved in collision,  it comes back on you.

    Don't let other,  impatient people drive your vehicle!

  2. You need to consider all the factors.

    You must not cross the solid white line to pass any other vehicle, (there are some exceptions) unless so instructed by an on duty police officer.

    You must not pass an obstruction, or other vehicle, if doing so places you or any other road user in danger. You must not pass where visibility is limited, for example on the brow of a hill, at a road junction, at the zig zag lines often seen at pedestrian crossings and other places.

    Use your own judgement, don't be pressured by other road users, either behind (horn blowing, pushing you etc.) or in front (flashing lights etc.).

    Always look ahead and behind before making the move.

    If you are in moving traffic and you get a tail gater, slow down (gently) to get plenty of room in front of you and let them overtake. DO NOT brake suddenly unless you have a genuine emergency, or flash your brake lights at them.

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