
Driving Written Test Help!?

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Help! I need help with my written test tommorrow and dont know what is the answer? I need professional response. so only answers if you are 100 percent sure...

When driving near schools, playgrounds, and parks...

a. stay alert for last moving vehicles

b. drive no faster than 10 mph

c. drive more carefully than usual

If you dont mind keep answering my question. Can you give me your s.n on aim so i can im you and ask you?




  1. u sure u not taking it right now on the internet? my daughter took hers on internet. cheating is only cheating urself

  2. What state do you live in?

    Here in Massachusetts, school zones are 20 mph.  So if it were me I'd go with C., because I don't know what a "last moving vehicles" is.

  3. I would say C

    If there was a need for a 10 mph speed zone they would have posted it.

  4. I'm almost pos. it's B.

    here is my aim.

    Bxr pankake

  5. In New York there is a posted speed limit near schools which varies from 15 - 25 Mph.  I would assume the correct answer is C.

  6. Go online there are way to study.

  7. The answer is "C". Driving more carefully means you will be watching for the ball coming into the street, the children on bicycles, kids waiting to cross the street and the like.

  8. b

  9. C. Drive more carefully than usual...............................

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