
Driving a stick? I'm 27 and never learned how. Should I?

by Guest56978  |  earlier

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Driving a stick? I'm 27 and never learned how. Should I?




  1. YES!!! plus why try to stunt ur growth by not learning?  gas mileage is better, makes you focus on what the car is doing and it gives you more control over the car itself, last winter if i didn't have a manual transmission i would have been stuck at least 20 times..... anyway there are benefits.

  2. It is definitely a good skill to know. Perhaps if you are driving with a friend whom drives a stick, and they are unable to drive (let it be by sickness, being drunk, etc.), you will be able to step in.  Age is irrelevant, for it should never be too late to learn to drive a stick.

    Plus, stick shifts are A LOT more fun to drive =D.

  3. if you plan on getting a vehicle with manual transmission I would highly recommend it. Once you get the hang of it you will love it. I only own vehicles with MT now.

  4. You're never too old to learn anything... Go to a parking lot with a friend who has a car with a manual trans. (and if he or she is willing to let you drive it). You'll probably stall it a few times. Honestly, the hardest thing to do is launch the car from a dead stop. Once you learn that, you're good... If you concentrate and have a friend that explains it good, you'll be ok to drive in like 15 to 20 minutes.  

    Much luck!

  5. Sure! You'll have fun trying to learn it (as long as the person who's not teaching you is someone who gets aggravated easily).  Just don't try to learn in town where there's a lot of traffic.  Try it on low-traffic back roads.  Stalling can be dangerous, especially if it happens when you're at an intersection.  Safe drivings!

  6. Absolutely.  Repairing a manual transmission is cheap (roughly $250 to $400 to replace the master/slave cylinders after 150,000k miles vs. $1000 to drop an auto transmission just to diagnose the problem).  Good gas mileage too.

    Plus it's just a lot of fun to go through the gears.  Once you get some experience, you'll just automatically upshift or downshift without thinking.

  7. is it necessary?   no

    is it beneficial?   yes

    although you may have no desire to ever own a manual, i see no reason to limit the vehicles you can drive because of lack of ability.

    you may need to borrow a car at some time and the only one you can find is a standard transmission.

    my mom can not drive a manual and she needed to borrow my car once (hers was in the shop)... but its a manual so she had to stay home until another car became available.

    did she die... no, but she was inconvenienced.

    its not like driving a manual is all that difficult either... i learned in a few minutes, and it only took me a week or so to become proficient at it.

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