
Driving anxiety behind the wheel.?

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I started my drivers training coarse last year when i was 16 and failed at finishing. I had no problem with the written part of the class, and thought driving was going to be easy. Unfortunately when i got behind the wheel i forgot every thing i learned and even things that are common sense when driving i went brain dead on...i never felt so much anxiety as i did behind the wheel it was pretty terrible, any advice on how to calm down? thanks




  1. Get to know your vehicle. How tight can it turn, how fast will it accelerate, how well does it brake, does it steer well, do you feel comfortable just sitting behind the wheel, can you operate all the controls without looking at them, can you judge pretty well how close you are to other vehicles - front, back, sides? You're not going to get all of these things at one sitting. But just like a boyfriend, you want to know as much about him (it) as you can. The more you know, the more comfortable and confident you'll be.

    All the best.

  2. In some cases, a person may be affected by driving anxiety under stressful driving conditions, such as along speedy cars on a freeway, learning to drive or extremely congested traffic.

    This is regardless of driving experience or previous accidents encountered.

    If you relax and breathe you will do just fine and this will pass...

  3. Sounds so corny to say but just take slow deep breaths to help relax you, before or while your at the wheel.

    Just tell yourself "I can do this"

    Don't over analise things, just take things nice & slow

    You'll get there, good luck

  4. I grew up on a farm and knew how to drive a wide range of vehicles before i was ever legal to drive them on the road.

    My advice to you would be to ask a family member or friend to let you have a go in their car (or truck, bus, kart, bike, tractor or anything with an engine) in a field or car park or some other open space.

    Do simple things. Go forward and backwards, turning in all directions. Set out imaginary parking bays and obstructions. The wider a range of vehicles you can have a go in the better.

    Also, learn in a manual (stick). you will be a much better driver for it

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