
Driving at 3rd gear?

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I have Santro XO. Usually I drive on 3rd gear and my speed is usually 30-40kph. I am new to driving. I know that for economy purpose better to drive on 4th or 5th gear. But i would like to will it harm my engine also ?




  1. use all gears as the higher ones reduce rpm for better economy and reduced engine load and wear

  2. I'm surprised you're not hearing a noise at 40kph, ah, 40kph,  in 3rd gear is like 25 mph. Where are you driving? If you only drive low speeds, you'll only use the lower gears. Upper gears would just waste gas and the car would putter a bit.

    Do get it out on a fast road and run it through the upper gears. Put-put cars get clogged injectors and such.

  3. check your owner's manual

    it should have the recommended speeds for your gears

    so that's 18-24 miles per hour - about right for third  I would think

    if the engine 'lugs', then you need to come back up a gear

    like from 4 back to 3

    best of luck
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