
Driving blind......?

by  |  earlier

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I know a man that is 66 and is legally blind and still drives vehicles big and small. How can a person stop him before he kills some one?? I notified the police and gave them his name and licence numbers, and was told to call them when i saw him driving! Why cant they do their job?He does not have a licence!! Quite obvious!!




  1. I once had a friend who was legally night blind. She had a drivers license that was restricted to daytime hours.

    For the most part she was a very safe and conscientious driver.

    Except... More than once called me that she was running late, and was 'following someone's taillights', when they disappeared, and she found she had run off the road. She was very lucky, and no longer drives.

    Once she parked in a handicapped spot, and someone chastized her even though she had a handicapped placard. At which point she unfolded her white cane...

  2. They are doing their job, the problem is that legally he isn't doing anything wrong when he isn't driving.  For them to come and bother him for driving when he isn't and they can't prove he is would be like if I owned a store and I said you stole a shirt, but had no proof and the police just showed up your house and arrested you with no proof.

    The police can't do anything if he isn't currently breaking the law, or you can't prove he broke the law.

    The only thing you can do is either prove he is actually driving (you could try taking a picture), or call the police when he IS DRIVING.  If they don't catch him in the act their hands are pretty much tied.

  3. You could try talking him out of driving though im not sure how he would respond. If he doesnt take heed to your warnings then I guess you could alert the neighborhood and try and convince a big mob of people to try and stop him. Other than that I dont really know. Eventually he'll probably get into an accident and when he gets sued the court system will eventually notice and make him stop driving.

    Btw how does he drive around anyway?

  4. Because the police has long since stopped being about enforcing the law, they are a part of the department of revenue for what ever jurisdiction they are residing in.
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