
Driving from Canada from Maine. Can I get back into USA with valid Driver's License and expired US passport?

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We live in North Carolina - traveling up to Maine to see family then would like to take the kids (all under 12) over the border into a "Foreign Country." We have US passports but they are expired. Want to make sure we can drive back into USA from Canada with valid NC Drivers License and an original birth certificates.




  1. You cannot use your passports since they are expired.  Adults will need their birth certificates and official government issued photo IDs such as driver's license, and children will need their birth certificates.  If both parents are not travelling, the children will also need letters from absent parents giving permission to take the children out of the country, and a phone number where the absent parent can be contacted in case the border officials want to call to check that everything is ok while you are at the border.

  2. is the question .......driving to canada from maine

              or driving from canada to maine,?

            other answerers should read the question's carefully.

  3. either way doesnt matter Golden, the first two posters are correct. no expired id will be accepted but a current photo id (drivers license) and birth certificate are good. for my own daughter we use a student id card and birth certificate (she is eight)

  4. No -- an expired passport is not valid documentation for crossing the US-Canada border, even by land.  For the time being, your birth certificate and driver's license are an adequate substitute (or any of the other documents listed on the page below), when crossing the border by car.

  5. No form of expired I.D. will be accepted.  Passports are not needed for Land travel between the U.S. and Canada.  You do need your birth certificate and a gov't issued photo I.D. ( current). See site below to read the current law.

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