
Driving from Germany to you need?

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If I'm driving from Germany to Austria, would I still need a passport? Some countries have open borders while others are strict. TIA for your answer.




  1. I believe they have an open border, but i would still have your passport available just in case.  on a bus tour last year, there wasn't a stop at any border, except into and out of switzerland

  2. As many of us said before, take your passport always with you when you travel to another country. I'm an Austrian citizen and I travelled to Germany couple of times. Actually you don't need a passport because Austria & Germany are both members of the Schengen community. For us, a driving license or an ID card is enough. Besides that, they won't even stop you at the border. Think the border is out of business. Last time I didn't saw anybody working there.

    But to be on the safe side you should carry it with you. Who knows what can happen.

    Take care.

  3. Always bring your passport. Never go without one. Even EU citizens need a passport.

    If you are not an EU citizen, you can apply for a Schengen visa, which will enable you to go to all Schengen (EU) countries. You will still need a passport.

    If you are an EU citizen, you need your passport to prove this - just coming from one EU country wanting to enter the next does not mean anything.

    If you need a visa and have one for one EU country it does not mean that you can enter other EU countries.

    Again: always bring your passport.

    Edit: What the person below said might apply, especially if your car has a German licence plate. Still, it is always better to be safe than sorry. I always bring my passport when I travel within the EU

  4. You should always carry your passport with you at all times even when not crossing borders in Europe.  Europeans have to carry their IDs with them at all times.

    US Military on leave or on orders may use their military ID and their orders/leave papers - instead of a passport.

  5. there is no border control now but instead on motorways they are used as restaurants..fuel stations and most importantly to purchase a vignette  or a pass to drive on the Austrian motorway  ..minimum ten days about 7.5 must have one or they may take away your car and fine you must have some id of course but it is unlikely you will see anybody to ask for it

  6. You definitely would. ALL European citizen MUST have either an ID-Card or a passport while traveling. Please keep it in mind that your driving license is NOT the same as your ID card and cannot be considered as such.

  7. Well, U definitely do not need a passport passing the border.

    BUT u need a passport/ ID card anyway, cos by law it is ur duty to carry one around all the time u walk in Germany and in Austria. If there is a control and u do not have one with u it will be unnecessary trouble.

    The possibility this gonna happen is low, but possibly.

    The possibility anyone wants to see ur passport crossing the border, especially when u go there by train is zero point one..

    The thing is, that u are already in an Europan Union country. It was up to the German border control to check if u are allowed entering the EU. So nobody cares.

  8. We did it while stationed there and while we brought our passports, no one every asked for them.  At least you won't have to stop and exchange money -- the Euro goes just about everywhere now! Have fun!


    I'd call the American Embassy there and ask.  Or -- contact your local MWR -- they would know!

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