
Driving from San Pedro Sula, Honduras to Managua, Nicaragua?

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I'm going to San Pedro Sula, Honduras over spring break and I'm going to rent a car. I want to drive from there to Managua, Nicaragua. I'm wondering... How far is it? How much time will it take? Is it safe? What will happen at the border?




  1. Well, i went up to San Pedro Sula last month via TransNica and it took about 12 hours, so that might be the estimated time. Since you are an American you will have to pay $7 i believe to cross into Nicaragua. There are three border crossings from Honduras to Nicaragua. Two are via the Pan-American highway and the other is through "Los Manos".

    If your take the Pan-American highway it will be safe, except for a few potholes along the way in both countries. If you take a TransNica bus to Managua it would be a lot better. You can rent a car while in Managua if you need to, bu using registered Taxis is a better because if you're not familiar with Managua you will have a hard time getting around by yourself. We don't have any street names and we give directions out by local landmarks and such, some of which don't even exist anymore so only locals know them.

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