
Driving in Germany and German trains?

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I am planning a trip to Germany and am thinking about renting a car. Do I need an international drivers license and if so where can i get one?

Also I am trying to figure out the trains in Germany. There seem to be two of them-one is the VRR and the other is the DB. What is the difference?




  1. About the international drivers license ask your local German Embassy.

    The train connections are very good in Germany, you can look at the web

  2. VRR is a local train (and bus) service  - in western Germany.

    DB is the national carrier  check the web site

    also try  cheap domestic flights

  3. if you're planning on driving yourself make sure you STUDY the german driving manual well. they have some laws (as someone already mentioned) that are quite different from the states. the ones you'd be smart to really pay attention to are the right of way laws, they can be confusing.

    the trains here are an excellent means of transportation. hope you enjoy your trip!

  4. you do NOT need an international drivers license. Even though I am German, I got my license in the states when I used to live there. Ever year I came back to Germany to visit I drove my parents' car and it was fine. I even got pulled over by the cops once and they didn't say anything about me having a US drivers license. So you will be fine. Only once i decided to move back to Germany completely, I had it switched over to a German one. So no worried here.

  5. VRR = Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr, meaning "transport alliance Rhine-Ruhr" is the local transport network in the Rhine-Ruhr area. It includes buses, trams, undergrounds and local DB trains.

    DB = Deutsche Bahn, German Rail. National network with local and long distance trains all over Germany.

    When you buy a VRR ticket you can ride buses, trams, underground and local trains.

    When you buy a DB ticket you can ride local and long distance trains with this ticket. Eurail pass works only on the DB network.

    And yes, you need an international driver's licence for Germany if you do not hold a EU driver's license. You can get them from the AAA in the US and the AA in the UK.

  6. yes an international license is required. and to find out where the closest one to you would be, call you dmv.

    there are actually three.

    vrr is the local in town trains

    db everywhere train, making stops at small and large town/cities.

    ice trains just stop at the larger cities,  like to frankfurt to berlin, berlin to munich.

    i'm in Mannhiem germany.

  7. I assume you are in the USA ... You will need an international license and can be had from any AAA  .

  8. No you do not need an international Drivers license, just a valid Drivers license period! I have driven many many times in Germany and they drive on the same side of the road as we do in the USA so if you were going to England or Australia I may suggest you be really careful and maybe use the public transportation more.

    DB is Deutsch Bahn or German Train.  Most types of tickets you buy are like IC, ICE and  a few others.

    On vacation for two weeks or more I recommends a Rail Pass over tickets. much less expensive in the long run.

    Thats just my opinion. I have traveled to Germany since 1991 and lived in Weimar in 1993.

    (Alwin- You only need one if you plan to MOVE or stay longer than Six months in Europe last I knew and that as 2006 last o was there. I skipped last year and I rented an Auto with just an American Lisence and my Passport and Credit Card of course.

    Did things change since I was there on 06??) ( * I also did not thumb you down and will thumb you up to give you two to prove it!!)

  9. Hi from Germany! I'm a native here.

    Yes, you will need to have an international license for a car. That question has already been answered. The one thing I must add, however, is that when driving in Germany, mind a few things, like that overtaking on the right lane is strictly forbidden (except when traffic runs very slow), and that overtaking school busses is allowed at slow speed, as kids are expected to stand and wait until the bus has left.

    The DB is the Deutsche Bahn, German railways, otherwise known as, but there are several local companies offering bus and railway services. Sometimes they cooperate, sometimes they do not, so it might be that you have to buy two or three different tickets to get to your destination.

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