
Driving laws after having a seizure?

by  |  earlier

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My mom had two seizures today, one of which i witnessed and called 911 for, the other in the E.R., and a doctor mentioned that she might not be able to drive? We live in new hampshire (usa), and he said the law in massachusetts is that one has to wait 6 months and be seizure free until you are able to drive again? (as to prevent an accident harming herself and/or others) does anyone know the exact law for my state? i would really like to know... please answer.




  1. Most states requires 1 year waiting period.  From what I have reviewed, your state requires that you cant drive for 6 months seizure-free but you need an all clear by your doctor.

    Please make sure she goes to all required tests and take the medication as prescribed.

  2. Here is the site that you need and good luck...........

  3. Her doctor should know the laws for restricting her driving privilege. Doctors know more than we think and they can give the correct answer.

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