
Driving new car with satellite radio free for 3 months but I'm frequently getting linking signals.?

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Is this normal for clear days driving on a heavily tree lined road?

Normal for clear road/clear sky driving?

I found it very annoying having the station cutout in the middle of a song many times. Any positive experiences from people that have it in their car?




  1. I'm kind of suprised by that. Must be some serious trees.

    Usually mine only cuts out if I'm going under a bridge slowly or through a tunnel...


    I have an aftermarket as well.

  2. Heavily tree lined road will do it.   I have one road I drive on that has dense forest on either side and I lose signal there.  Other than that, it seems good.  I've had it for years and it really doesn't cut out much.

  3. I had an after market system in my old car. The only time I had it cut out is under a bridge. If urs is cutting out that much I would say that the ant. sucks. Take it back and ask them the car lot.

  4. If your radio hisses or losses it signal it could be because it is receiving a weak signal.

    This happens because radio receivers need a stronger signal to decode the stereo component of a signal than for component.

    A weak signal can be caused if you are too far from a transmitter, or by large buildings, trees or hills blocking the signal path.

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