
Driving power?

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What really influence the distance of our driving? Is it the speed of the swing or hip movement? I can drive around 180 meters, i do my driving with my backswing slow and fasten my swing momentum to finish the job...any tips from you guys? Thanks in advance :)




  1. the key to power is maintaining the angle created by the wrist hinge and dropping the club into the slot so you dont come over the top

  2. Its all about how fast you swing that big dog. The faster you swing the harder the club will hit the ball meaning the further the ball will go.

    Tiger Woods Golf World Jan 2008

    "I swing about a 90% power, any quicker and I lose control, I would rather hit it sweet out the middle at 90% than out the toe @ 100%"

  3. Power comes from using your legs to drive the ball.  You need to make sure you have a proper turn and release point.

    Additionally it doesn't hurt to swing smooth instead of hard because hitting it on the sweet spot is more important then swinging hard.

    Look at Els or Couples... Effortless power

  4. If you want more distance you need to use your hips. Turn your back in the backswing to the target, then release your whole body  into the ball. Forget your arms. just your body

  5. If you're hitting your driver 180 meters, then what you're looking for at this point is good contact with the sweet spot of your driver.

    To do this I suggest two things:

    1. Have an even tempo throughout your entire swing to ensure that you're well balanced

    2. Don't take a full swing. This may seem counter-intuitive, but a three-quarter swing lets you stay in control all throughout the action and promotes getting the clubface back to it's address point by removing the tendency to 'grip it and rip it'

    Do those two things (especially #2) and your drives will be longer and more consistent.

  6. Be patient, my young jedi:-)

    There are three main aspects that you first must perfect before you can start hitting 300m. These three things are:

    1) Timing

    2) Timing

    3) Timing

    One training drill that i can suggest is the "feet together drill"... I wont detail it here but check out these guys on youtube, they're bloody awesome and check out thier other videos on driving tips aswell

    Just be patient, swing comfortably and try not to take the cover off the ball... its all about timing and squaring up that club face. Head to you local driving range and get swinging.

    Good luck

  7. heres what i do if i need to hit a big drive

    tee the ball higher

    make a huge hip turn, but dont bring the the club past parallel

    get my right shoulder below my left shoulder at adress so i hit the ball on the upswing

  8. Distance is directly proportional to club head speed.  The key is finding how you can generate your maximum clubhead speed and still stay balanced and keep the ball in play.  What none of these other tips are mentioning is physics.  The pros have a big lag between where the clubhead is when their hands reach the hitting area.  Reference Hogan's "Five Lessons on Golf" to understand that lag.  It doesn't matter so much if you use big or small muscles, make a big turn or less turn, swing 100% or 90%, you just need to get the clubhead to explode through the hitting area on a good path.

  9. It all depends on how old you are, if your young and hitting it 195 yards then that is pretty poor to be honest. Im 22 and i hit it around 260. If your around my age you should really be touching 220 yards of the tee.

    im currently of a 9 handicap, to hit the ball further really try extending your arms out on the back swing, but remember to hinge the wrists on the way back, when your at the top of your back swing just try and get your hands as far away from your head as possible. On the way down just imagine a little 'bump' of the hips towards the target, this gets rid of the over the top move which hampers many golfers.

    I think the most important thing in the golf swing is the correct release of the hands through impact, just imagine your right wrist turning over your left wrist during impact, this gives you the sensation of the ball going way left but if your swing is in tune then it will go straight with a little baby draw. Just dont try and lash at it on the downswing, just swing with 75% of your swing capacity.

    So 3 things to think about, extending the arms, hands far from your head at the top and a good release at the bottom will make you hit the ball further. It will take a while to do it but it works. Just work on one element a day, dont try and do it all in the space of an hour as it just wont work. Hope this helps.
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