
Driving-right away?

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Hi I have a stop sign question. I know the person who stops first has the right away at a 4-way stop sign intersection. But at the same intersection, who goes first if your going left and the car infront of you is going straight and you both stop at the sam time, who goes first? Isn't it the person going straight has the right away? This is a Minnesota source question, FYI.





  1. You are correct. The driver going straight through the intersection has the right of way. As noted by the previous poster, that person can signal for you to go first, if he/she desires.

    P.S. Not to be critical, but it is "right-of-way".

  2. The person going straight will always have the right of way, you would not because you would be crossing in front of traffic.

  3. The rule for this situation is international until you get to countries that drive on the opposite side of the road, like England or Australia.

    When turning left, you must legally wait for any oncoming vehicles(regardless of which way they want to go) and pedestrians. If a collision happens, the person turning left  is the one charged.

    Get this, if the other motorist waves you to go and then hits YOU, you are charged...

    Best rule, when in doubt, wait.

  4. At a 4 way stop, usually the person who gets there first, goes first. Someone has to take the initiative and then the person to the right of them, etc. However, if another vehicle arrives at the same time from your right, you should give that vehicle the right of way. The vehicle on your right always has the right of way unless they have a prohibitive sign.  If another vehicle arrives straight across from you at the same time, and one of you is turning left, the vehicle going straight should get the right of way.

    Remember though, you only have the right of way if someone gives it to you. Always use caution and never assume you ever HAVE the right of way.

  5. Yes - You are right the person going straight. Unless the other person lets you go first.

  6. A person turning left yields to the car coming the opposite direction, exactly the same as at a green light.

    Safety tip:  always allow at least a few seconds to make sure no one else takes off even if it your turn to leave first.  It's not worth your car or a bodily injury just to defend your right of way.

  7. go on
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