
Driving test in 2 days.Tips on left hand reverse?

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Hi all

I have my first driving test in 2 days and i'm a bit nervous about doing the left hand reverse and parallel parking.When i do the left hand reverse,i can usually do it without touching the kerb and without going over to the other side of the road,but i do find it difficult to straighten up!Any tips on how to straighten up better?I know theres a chance i might not even be asked to do this,but just incase!Also,when you passed your test what faults did you make(if any)if you don't mind me asking?





  1. When you straighten up - try to position the kerb 'stone' in the centre of your back window. (bottom middle).

    I can't explain parking by Internet communication!

  2. 1 -- As you approach a sufficient parking spot, drive into the spot a little bit and steer your way back out of the spot with a relatively sharp, left turn.

    By doing this you won't be as far away from the parking spot as if you just simply drove past the spot and started working your way in. Your car should be in position for you to put your car in reverse and go straight back.

    2 -- Start looking at your driver side mirror while you align yourself driving back out of the spot, as soon as you see the driver's side headlight of the car that will be behind you, you will be set. Also, make sure you are not going to hit the car in front of you.

    3 -- Turn the steering wheel to the right slightly. Then, slowly roll backwards with your car in reverse.

    *** Pay attention to where the car is going. Don't hit the car in front of or behind you.

    *** Generally, the passenger side, rear wheel will bump the curb before you hit the car behind you. Be careful, some curbs are higher than others and you could damage your car's body while doing this. Hitting the curb is NOT your goal but it is better to hit the curb with your passenger side wheel than someon else's car.

    4 -- If the space is large enough, turn the wheel all the way to the left after your front tires are BEHIND the car that will be in front of you when you are parked.

    Generally speaking while you are trying to parallel park your car when going forward your wheels should be straight, when in reverse the wheels should be turned to the left.

    The rest will be easy.

    Going backward - turn left

    Going forward - go straight or turn right.

    Note -turning right too much will make the back end of your car stick out more.

    Practice makes perfect, be careful.

  3. As a driving instructor, I teach my pupils to recognise and remember reference points when performing manoeuvres.  For the left reverse, before you start reversing, you will notice the edge of the kerb and the white give way lines in your rear screen (about half way across).  Keep it there till your point of turn.  Usually you will only need to turn your steering wheel about 3/4 of a turn to the left (but don't take this as gospel, it depends on the corner).  Whilst reversing around the corner, the edge of the kerb will move to your rear left window/corner window - keep it there until the kerb returns to your rear screen (about half way across again), turn the steering wheel to the right the exact amount you turned it to the left until your wheels are straight.  Stop the car when you can see 3 white centre lines in your front screen.

    For parallel park - At your first point of turn, turn the steering wheel left 1 whole turn.  When the edge of the kerb disappears at the bottom of your left mirror, turn the steering wheel 2 turns to the right (incorporate this observation into your all round obs otherwise you will fail if the examiner sees you relying too much on one mirror).  When the car feels straight turn the steering wheel n1 turn to the left to straighten the wheels.  Stop the car when you are approx. 1 1/2 car lengths behind the car in front.

    I hope this helps.  These methods are by no means fool proof but recognise your reference points and stick to them and you can't go wrong.  Remember, the slower you go - (a) the more obs you can get in, (b) if you make any mistakes you will have more time to correct them, and (c) you can make the most out of your steering.

    Good luck!

  4. .

    You seem to be confident in negotiating the corner, so when at the point of straightening up keep the speed low (with clutch control on the flat/uphill or brakes if downhill) and look as far down the road you are reversing into as possible....this will help you with the speed of steering and to steer straight!!

    Also, as you continue reversing look as far down the road you are reversing into as possible, glance every few seconds to make sure that the kerb is in the middle of the back window and you will be approximately 18" from the kerb as Slappy above quite rightly stated.



  5. on the left hand reverse: Just go slow, and do not wait until the last minute to turn your wheels back to the right, thats if you have enough room. If you dont, then come to almost a complete stop before you straighten your wheels out...if you do this, you wont find yourself haveing to overcorrect. One thing that i didnt do on my drivers training is when im driving, scan the area ahead and around me with my eyes.

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