
Driving test in one hour! so nervous that im gonna fail! HELPPPPPPPPPPPP! what should i make sure NOT to do?

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Driving test in one hour! so nervous that im gonna fail! HELPPPPPPPPPPPP! what should i make sure NOT to do?




  1. Take shorts breaths, relax and eat something, you will do just fine.....

  2. Relax and pay attention to what you are doing and what is going on around you.  Make sure seat belt is fastened before you start the car make sure the examiner has his seat belt on.  Ussually they do anyway but there may be a guy just testing to see if your paying attention to your passengers as well.  Drive the speed limit, signal all turns including lane changes, stop completely at all stop lights and signs.  Yellow light prepare to stop, if you can stop - stop. No radio, no drinks, stay focused on the road.  You can do it and you will be fine, just remember that your going to be driving for a lot of years there is never any need to hurry drive safe, drive the speed limit and arive safely.  Plus I can tell you from experience that speeding may get you home 5 mins earlier today but that 1 time you get pulled over you'll lose a half an hour at least plus tickets average over a $100 now.  Good luck

  3. Sometimes they'll trick you by not putting on their seatbelt when you get in, make sure to check they do that.

  4. Don't forget to release the parking brake before trying to drive.

    Personal experience with a manual transmission.  Our family never used the parking brake, but my mom thought it would make a good impression.  She even told me to make sure I remembered that it was set.  Ha!  Right!  Like I'm gonna remember that!

  5. Ya relax, its not that hard, just common sense, You do need to pay attention to details, but dont over consume your brain by thinking to hard, cuz thats when you'll mess up,  just know you will pass, and remember the stuff you read, and do what the instructor says, you'll be smiling on the way home..

    Good Luck!!

  6. keep both hands on the wheel... i've heard that you'll be instantly failed if you don't

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