
Driving test next week.?

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This will be my fourth attempt next Wednesday as I go to pieces in the tests even though I can drive fine with my instructor.

My theory certificate runs out at the end of this November though so I really HAVE to pass this time as I may not be able to get another test in time.

Anyone any advice? I'm feeling nervous just thinking of it.




  1. Try to remember the errors you made on the failed tests and practise not to repeat the same errors.

  2. Fourth time lucky, good luck!! And think positive!!

  3. relax, a happy tune in your head keeps you relaxed ans still focused on the road. you already know how to do it, now prove it. . . tell yourself you can. be confident.

  4. I failed first time because I was like a heap of c**p and then second time I jut focused, went slowly and carefully and passed. It did help that I got a turn in the road cos I would have failed the reverse around the corner!! Ha ha.

    But you know I reckon you will be just fine.

    Good luck

  5. Don't panic and think "i can't do it" because you know you can and the more you stress the worse you will be, just relax and try to enjoy it. If you do something wrong, just carry on and don;t panic about it.

  6. I passed on my 3rd attempt and like you was very nervous on the first 2.

    I then decided that if all the idiots driving about the roads (and we all know there are lots of them) could pass a test so could I.

    I kept telling myself that and felt more relaxed and laid back.

    Best of luck.

  7. On the days before your test tell your instructor to give you a Mock Test.  Having him doing the sever silent treatment might help a little if you and he normally chat and drive.

    Keep in mind a little nerves are good.  Just remember the instructor really doesn't want to fail you (I was told they have to fill in more paperwork for fails than they do for passes), just imagine that it's your instructor sitting next to you.

    The other option is to strike up polite conversation with them on the "Show Me" part of the exam, this may relax you a bit OR you could get your instructor to sit in the back of the car too as some people find this gives them that added reassurance.

    I wouldn't suggest taking any herbal calming drops if you haven't tried them in the past s you don't know how you'll react with them.

    Go for it and fingers crossed for you.

  8. Hi try not to get nervous as that could be why you are not passing as you are too nervous, just keep thinking to yourself that you will pass and that you can drive fine in your instructors car so you can do it in any care.

    Good Luck and im sure you will pass this time, make sure you have a lesson before you have your test as then you will be less nervous,

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