
Driving test on Wednesday - tips plz?

by  |  earlier

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Ive already failed so many times, although the last time was mistakes tht cold have easily been avoided lol . . what helped u pass yours? or any tips for me plz? . . anything is much appreciated thank you, =]




  1. Just do what the examiner asks.

    Do Not speed.

    Show respect to other road users.

    Don't try to prove you can out do other road users, you are only Just starting.

  2. Just make sure to look into mirrors, very important and don't let the instructor to see that you are nervous. i failed mine first time, but passed second time  

  3. Keep your strap on the front seat...they wouldnt dare fail you.

  4. Driving test: Failed 6 times.

    Motorcycle test: Failed 5 times.

    Number of points on license: 0 in 18 years.

    Number of accidents: 0 in 18 years.

    I can't give you any tips except to say have a meal before you go to settle your stomach and have a cup of coffee to give you a temporary perk, but your instructor must have advised you on what areas you failed on (if not, then you need a new instructor) and those are the things you need to pay attention to.

    I tended to fail because of lazy instructors who explained where I was going wrong but didn't give me opportunity to practice for real on the road.

    Don't forget to use your mirrors before you brake, pull away, pass parked cars, indicate, cough or sneeze; I never use my mirrors the way I had to for the test (after 18 years of driving I'm convinced that some of the official "correct" methods of driving are wrong) but if they had their way cars would be fitted with an extra mirror for checking the mirror.

  5. Hello,

    (ANS) I passed my test on the third attempt. My advise would be to:-

    No.1 Stay as calm and collected as possible. Obviously you may well feel a little nervous thats natural & to understandable. But DON'T let your feelings or nerves get in the way, don't allow your feelings to overwhelm you.

    No.2 Keep a CLEAR MIND (or clear head) as you need to think carefully about each instruction given by the examiner from the moment the test starts. The examiner won't mind if your methodical or even a little bit slow provided you show him or her you know exactly what your doing.

    No.3 KEEP BREATHING!! this will help keep you calmer.

    No.4 WATCH THE TRAFFIC around you. Bear in mind that although you are performing a driving test, you still need to be aware of driving in the local traffic conditions i.e. adjust your driving to the way traffic is moving. This is how it is in real life once you have passed your test.

    No.5 Listen carefully to each instruction from the examiner.

    No.6 Go at your own pace and DON'T RUSH things.


    Kind Regards Ivan.

  6. Liyah is talking about American procedures - not relevant to you. Sounds like you can drive, it's just your nerves letting you down. You're not alone, by a long chalk.

    First of all, you must be good enough or your instructor wouldn't have recommended you take your test. Secondly, the examiner isn't out to get you, they have no "quotas", contrary to myth. If you're good enough, you'll pass.

    Further, treat it as a chance to show him/her how well you drive, which it is.

    Finally, if you don't grasp what he says, you ARE allowed to ask; they really don't mind.

    Now, get out there and perform like you know you can.  Good luck.

  7. -stay calm

    -anything that looks like an intersection(if on a course) stop

    -stop for three seconds at a stop sign

    -look in all mirrors

    -listen to ur test person(even if he's wrong)

    -have fun

    - be patient for the results

  8. main thing is to be calm

    i passed today.

    i stalled twice, however i stayed calm.

    the flustered you get, the more mistake you will make.

    always check mirrors every 5 seconds

    check blind spots when moving off and changing lanes.

    also keep saying to yourself in your mind you can do this. and listen to the instructions carefully

  9. I thought I made loads of mistakes during my test. I was sure I had failed in the first 5 minutes. This made me relax because I felt like I had nothing to lose. To my surprise I passed. You said yourself the mistakes could have been avoided this means you know you can pass. Just try and relax and if you fail no worries you can try again. Best of luck!

  10. The most important is claim down, drive as normal and dont be tension. You can get some pratical tips on , wish this will help you pass your test

    All the best

  11. as above...calm and confident..don,t panic if you think you have made a mistake...and good luck to you

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