
Driving test tomorrow!?

by  |  earlier

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Any tips im so nervous. I have a driving lesson tonite so that should help and i am taking kalm herbal tablets but i am still so nervous as i really want to pass, any tips on to help me calm my nerves and help me pass my test!




  1. Rescue remedy - Bachs (sorry if the spelling is wrong)

    This usually works everytime, I don't really understand how people can become nervous. When I am nervous, it's usually excited at the same time.

    But once you're sat in the car, you'll be fine. The nerves won't crop out until towards the end, and at least you get the result then.

    I find in life, that the opposite result will always/mostly come out. Think you're going to fail, and you will pass, and vicer versa.

    Good Luck in your test


  2. take calms and i also wat really helped me was chewwing gum,it just takes ure mind off it,think that u have just passed,think ahead at all time,pretend the examiner isnt there

  3. last october i was the same and on my 7th test i passed!! hip hip hooray lol theres not alot you can do apart from being positive and hope for the best i kept failing on stupid stuff like not looking in left  mirror when i did they just didnt see me! you will be nervous when the call you for your test but just try and relax and think of it as a driving lesson its hard i know but you can do this it will help hope all gos well good luck

  4. Practice right before you go. Practice with the car you will be driving with on the test

  5. Hi, I took my driving test a week ago and was very nervous asking questions on yahoo answers just like you. Best thing to do is try think positive and believe in yourself. Having negative energy around is not good, have faith. Get a good nights sleep and eat something in the morning even though your nerves will shut out the hunger feeling. Just follow the examiners instructions and carry out what he/she is saying very cautiously but promptly. YOU CAN DRIVE otherwise you wont be sitting your test so just stay positive. The test feels like its 10 mins because the time goes by so fast and the days leading up to the test is actually worst than the actual thing so keep your chin up and come back and tell us you've passed!

  6. Congratulations!!!  Wish we could give you 10 Answers points.

  7. Best of luck. Relax and drive carefully so you can really think about what you are doing. Then just save like mad to be able to afford the petrol once you've passed!

    Good luck!

  8. ahhhh Good Luck!!!!

    I remember how nervous i was but try your best to relax :) Get a good night sleep. There's no other advise i can give really. The kalm herbals should help :) Hope you do well!!!

    brum brum

    let us know if you pass so we can stay off the roads for a few days :P hehe only joking

  9. Chill out, deep breaths, positive thinking

    prepare yourself, think u will pass,

    if you can chill out you are in da zone man!

  10. Safe driving tips to help pass your road test:

    STEERING Steer smoothly whether you are driving straight ahead, turning or backing up.

    ACCELERATION Accelerate smoothly and moderately. Don't race the engine or cause it to stall.

    BRAKING Bring the vehicle to a stop gently. Start braking well before your stopping position to avoid "jerky" stops. Make sure you stop your vehicle in the proper position of the lane.

    CLUTCH/GEAR Always be sure your vehicle is in the correct gear. With either an automatic or a manual transmission, shift into the proper gear at the right time without "grinding" the gears.

    SPEED Obey the posted speed limit, of course, but also adjust your speed properly due to weather, road, visibility and traffic conditions.

    FOLLOWING DISTANCE Keep an adequate space "cushion" between your vehicle and those you are following. Use the "two second rule" described in the Driver's Manual. Be sure to increase your following distance in poor weather or visibility.

    TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Know the meanings of signs, signals and pavement markings, and obey them consistently.

    STOPPING POSITION If a stop is required, stop your vehicle before it reaches an intersecting street. If stop lines or crosswalks are present, stop before crossing them. If your view is blocked after stopping behind the crosswalk, move up until you can clearly see your way, then stop again if necessary.

    LANE SELECTION AND POSITION Keep your vehicle in the proper traffic lane, especially when preparing to make turns. Don't allow room for another vehicle to pass you on the side that you are turning toward.

    COMMUNICATION Let other drivers and pedestrians know which way you want to go. Use your directional signals or horn consistently and at the proper times.

    OBSERVATION Look for and identify potential problems or hazards in the traffic around you - not just straight ahead, but behind you and on either side. Check your mirrors frequently, but be sure to look over your shoulder behind you when changing lanes or backing up.

    ANTICIPATE & REACT TO OTHERS Anticipate possible driving errors by others and be ready to react safely to make up for their mistakes.

  11. if you know your stuff you will pass otherwise you deserve to fail

  12. Just think of it as another driving lesson and you should be fine..

    I sailed through mine by doing that..

    Best of luck to you : )

  13. DONT FAIL!

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