
Driving too fast?

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this might be a stupid topic but nevertheless, i can't stop myself from driving fast. it's ok when i'm in residential areas with road humps but when i get on a straight road or a 40 road i just can't help but driving over the speed limit. i'm scared i'm going to get caught one day and get points on my licence. so what should i do? not just that i've been so close to having an accident aswell. (note: it's only been a few months i've passed so i'm on a two year probation as people living in the UK may be aware of)




  1. ok i use to do this alot go and do a pass plus or go and do your advance driveing course they will help you to drive safely and slow you down alot or just try and keep your speed down . what sort of speed are you doing ? when the road says 30 are you doing 35-40 or when the road says 40 are you doing 45-50 and so on if the answer is yeah  i dont care what people say that they dont speed i bet they do most people go 5 or 10 mph over the speed limit but if you are doing 20 to 30 mph over the speed limit than we have a problem because you are defo going too fast eg if the road is 40 and you are doing 70mph thats way too fast . keep in mind if you get caught doing 30mph over the speed limit you can kiss good bye to your licence but in other words keep that speed down then you wont blader your car or have a road traffic accident and you wont get those points . if you do get caught speeding you will have to go and sit a course with the police and watch a horrible video about road traffic accidents. i use to speed alot until i got this job working on motorways recovering road traffic accidents and to be honest with you i have seen what speeding dos to the familys left behind just think . it might help by thinking that there is a relitive in your car who you really love and think the world of and if you have a accident you might kill them if they where in your car when you are speeding abd how would you explain it but, if ,what. and it would be on your mind for life just take a few minutes and think before you do speed  and remeber if you lose that licence on the cold winter mornings you will be waiting for a bus and so on back to square one hay your licence is your key to life think of it that way anyways good luck and keep that speed down hay because i dont want to meet you in a lump of metal on the side of the motrway

  2. There used to be a book called Road teaches you that there is more to driving than pushing down the pedal. I know it can get frustrating with the nanny state making any sort of progressive driving impossible with white lines on perfectly good overtaking places but that's how it is nowadays. Just remember that there are a lot of people who want you to drive home in one piece.If you have just recently passed your cant drive..all you are doing, until you get experience, is going along roads and steering.

    Trouble is with young drivers is that they do their very best not to become old drivers....and I spent many unhappy hours  scraping guys like you off of trees or other vehicles.

  3. I got caught and opted for a speed awareness course. It changed my views totally. you can go to these without having been ordered to. ask your local authority if they run one in your area and go. Your eyes will be opened to the dangers of driving at speed.

    edit: richc666 country roads are the worst, you can't see what is around the corner. there is a road near us we call the death road. cars hitting tractors, motorbikes under lorries etc. its not good. statistically the motorway is the safest place to drive

  4. get sum1else to drive for you..

    no one needs to get hurt on account of your stupidity..

  5. Grow up and be responsible for your driving.  What would you do if you injured or killed someone?  How would you feel?  How will having your licence taken away from you again affect you regards pleasure, work, cost etc?  Back to buses and taxis......even on foot?   Use you new skill safely and enjoy your freedom.

  6. May be you should try the Autobahns in Germany where their is  no speed limit. Become a test pilot or work in racing all of which will help get your fix or out of the system. Sounds fun to me.

  7. Most British speed limits out of town are now designed to raise revenue rather than be safe-hence limits dropping to 40 from 60,just where a camera happens to be posistioned.

    Driving at the speed limit is dull,and if you do it on most A roads and motorways,you are going to have a queue of disgruntled drivers behind you. Best bet is to stick to the 30 limit,but else where invest in a radar detector and use it.The M6 toll road rarely has a lot of police presence,night time moterways in general are good for fulfilling the need for speed. North Wales and other "holiday" spots are generally crawling with all sorts of detector scum. Mobile vans are the worst-always get legal advice if you get a ticket of one of those b*stards-I didnt and Im now half way through a 6 month ban that lost me my job

  8. Trust me. you are NOT alone. One technique is to use third gear instead of  fourth in town. THe extra fuel used is such a small amount it's not worth the worry. It sounds like you have issues with observation as well. What you might like to try is a pass plus course at your local driving school. It can only help.

  9. You're an idiot. If you can't stop yourself then you deserve to have points on your licence.

  10. put a brick underneath the accelerator !

    p.s  :a brick ok ! not a sponge ;)

  11. As an ex instructor I've seen this problem before Used to tell my pupils to look around while driving, not stare  far ahead into the distance. If you have very quick glances around at driveways, junctions and other potential hazards you will find your speed stays down. Finally, remember on single track roads drive at a speed where you can stop in half the distance that you can see clear ahead. An oncoming vehicle will need the other half.

  12. Don't drive as much. If you feel the urge to go fast, play a racing game or something at the arcade (or a home racing game on your computer or game console), find local car club that runs autocross events or take up club racing with the SCCA.

  13. Don't feel bad, Hon. I drive over the limit all the time out on the open highway. I make no apology for my actions though. I  simply enjoy driving fast.

  14. Ring the local Police and get yourself on a speed awareness course.

    Once you see the effects of speeding, then i think that will cure you!

  15. Speed can be an addiction just like cigarettes and drugs. The adrenaline rush is a high. However if you realize that you are risking your life and others as well then you will slow down or pay the price. Just because you have finely tuned senses and reaction times does not mean the other guy is as sharp. If you get into an accident because some other dolt got in you way while you were speeding it could ruin your young life. Take it seriously and back off the accelerator.

  16. All you need to do is consider other road users.

    Don't forget that your stupidity could cost lives and you would have to live with that for the rest of your days. That is in addition to a probable lifetime ban as well.

    It's to be hoped that you improve with time but the effort needs to come from you!

  17. Dude, take a deep breath, and think about all the things that could go wrong, besides getting a ticket.  How bad would you feel if you killed someone, someones dog, or a wild animal.  All it takes is a small animal, a kids ball, a small tree limb falling from a tree, a bird...the smallest thing to break your concentration at the wrong time.

    If you want an eye opener, take a motorcycle safety course.  Even though you don't ride a motorcycle, the MSF sponsored safety course will open your eyes to many more dangers on the road than you could ever imagine.  It will make you a better driver.

    Don't ruin your life just because you are in a comfort zone with your little bit of extra speed.  It's not worth it.  The worst thing you could ever have to do is say "I'm sorry" because someone else was hurt or killed because of your inability to control yourself.  No one listens.

  18. Try and confine it to country roads and/or motorways, or better still, go and book yourself a session on a track day. They're great and you can go as fast as you want.

    Don't be stupid around built up areas, 6 years ago I hit a 7yr old child who ran into the middle of the road from between two parked vans. Thankfully for him (and me) I was doing less than 20mph and he was alright. That shook me up and I stopped driving quick in built up areas. On the motorway or a nice country road, thats a different story.

    I've had the points on my license and it's not worth it.

    Could you live with yourself if you killed a small child?

  19. I just keep it in my mind all the time that the faster I go, the more fuel I'm burning, and the sooner I'll have to spend money on gas.  I've even made it a point to drive as slow as I can unless I'm in a hurry to get somewhere, or unless I'm holding someone up behind me. I've drastically increased fuel mileage in my cars, just by slowing down.  Of course, saving money isn't enough incentive for some people to slow down, but it is for me.

  20. y r u just repeating what u said over and over again
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