
Driving under the influence?

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What do police officers use to determine that someone has been driving under the influence of alcohol?




  1. Field sobriety tests and a portable BAC tester.

  2. Field sobriety tests are quite accurate when performed correctly, and breathalyzer can be used if they have them. They can usually SMELL your breath, and listen to you talk for clues.

  3. because you can't walk and ur LOOPY!!!!

  4. Some cops arrest people who are not even drinking. This happened to my friend a few months ago. The only thing he did was move across the white line. Without the blood alcohol test he would have been in a bad shape. He is an older guy and failed the sloppy exercise test.

    "Yes, he also spent the night in jail because they told him the test he had taken would take two or three weeks to get back. He was a Realtor and didn't drink very often. He wanted to take the Breathalyzer but the cop had stopped him near the hospital, and the test was done there". He asked the nurse at the hosital if he looked drunk, she said no.

    When the blood test came back it was negative.

    Cops dislike some people. I feel some just pick out the ones they dislike. My friend hates this cop. Everytime he sees the same cops car, he remembers that night.

  5. The first thing is observation (driving behavior, odor of intoxicants, slurred speech, bloodshot eyes)

    The next is field sobriety (walking in a straight line, picking up one leg and balancing, finger to nose, reciting the alphabet, etc.)

    And finally, an evidentary test. This could be a test of breath, blood, or urine.

  6. A series of tests like walking in a straight line.  Counting on one hand 12345543211234554321 and then also a breathaliser test!  Once you get to the station they can also do a urinalysis.

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