
Driving while on a cellphone?

by  |  earlier

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In a senario where you are a passanger in a taxi cab, do you feel as if you have the right to tell the driver that you would prefer if he/she didnt chat or text on his/her cell while driving you to your desitination?




  1. h**l yes!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Yes.

  3. yes, of course...we have the right as a passenger...just like in the restaurants or in the hotels,they give priorities to what are the needs, demands, complaints of their customers/guests. that's why they are having this motto..."customer is always right".hehe. as well as in taxi, we paid for their services so we surely have the rigth. actually, it's not really bad to tell them what you think is wrong on their doings because it was for the good.

  4. I'm pretty sure they're not supposed to, and you can say something.  Although it is uncomfortable to say so.

  5. Yes most definately. Cell Phones talking drivers should be ticketed. To many times have I seen daily drivers making quick lane changes, slowing down (which impedes the flow of traffic), and tail gate you because there mind is else where. Fire the taxi man.

  6. I don't think so,  but the driver really shouldn't talk on the cell phone or listen to the radio,  unless it's an emergency

  7. I think it would depend on why the driver was using the phone. If he/she was trying to obtain directions, or something else relevant to the trip, it shouldn't be a concern. After all, cab drivers talk to their dispatchers on the two-way radios all the time, and have been doing so for years. That never appears to be an issue.

    Their radios cannot always be relied upon, however, since their range is limited. If the driver is out of the area and is having trouble locating an address, I'd much rather he/she call and find out instead of running up the fare while driving around lost.

    Small talk or other unimportant telephone calls can - and should - wait.

  8. yes you have the right to do that as it is written i guess in the legal documents provided by the government. and the other reasone could be that you definately want to reach home safe and sound if by any chance there could be an accident  then it could be a problem!

  9. you may tell him in a polite way coz there are some taxi drivers who are being informed on the next passenger's address thru calling them or else send them text to inform that the next passenger is waiting in this address ....xxxx...some will ask their peers about traffic areas in order to avoid getting into the traffic road.

  10. You are a paying customer, you absolutely do have the right....but remember they also have the right to refuse you service...of course if they refuse you service I think their bosses would like to hear about it.

  11. Yes but as stated above with today's taxi drivers they would not honor your request.

  12. yeah for safety reasons

  13. There's a number you can call usually to report if they actually do this.  I don't believe most do because I usually see them with a phone set around their ear.  I've seen too many cars with broken mirrors or dents and see the driver txt'ing.  Say something or report it ... in the scenario, it's the passengers safety that is important. =)

  14. I don't care if I have the right to do it. I know 90% of people can't drive and talk on the phone, driver can hang up or let me out.

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