
Driving with hazard lights flashing question?

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If someone comes up behind you on the highway with their hazard lights flashing and is tailing you when you are already going well over the speed limit does it mean anything other then they are probably just being an @$$ or should you move and let them go past you?

Some lady was doing this on the highway today and I thought about moving because she could have been having some type of emergency but she appeared to be smiling so I slowed down.

Just asking.




  1. she was an idiot. there are lots of them out there. they all think they are special and that only their time is important<

  2. Maybe she thought you need help to slow down as you were doing well over the speed limit. To bad you did not get caught.

  3. Look here, Madison,  there is an enormous surplus of brainless idiots in this world and it is no trick to get a license.  You were being followed by one of them.  Be alert, they are all trying to kill you though they don't know it.  Good luck!

  4. It could be an emergency or it may be nothing but it would be best just to move over and give that person the right of way.....

  5. she probably didn't realise they were on!

    just another dozy driver, being an a$$ as you say.

    to one of the answers above me,

    you don't put your hazards on if you are being towed, you should still be using your indicators!

  6. Some People Do Use Them When There Car Is Having Troubles And Want To Get Off The Highway / Freeway So They Don't Cause An Accident Some Older People Accidentally Hit Them And Don't Even Know There On .....But Hazard Lights Are Mainly Used For Towing A Car Flat Tires Or Just Plain Out Broken Down

  7. If someone comes up behind you on the highway with their hazard's flashing. Could be an emergence. You don't know what's going on. Just let them by. And just maybe a cop will see it. Happened to me taking my friends wife to the hospital. As soon as the cop found out what was going on I got an escort. ( baby on the way )

  8. Slow down to p**s them off. I actually just did that 20 minutes ago to a driver who was putting his high beams on me lol  

  9. That lady was just an idiot....

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