
Driving without tax,....?

by  |  earlier

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I've just started a new job and my boss has been kind enough to lend me a car. The insurance will be sorted on Monday and he said I can drive home in to. Its a nice car, 3 year old astra, The previous owner was disabled and the my boss has had to send the log book back to have the disabled part on it taken off in order for him to obtain a new tax disk. He has been driving it and received a quite a few tickets however say's it's all ok and above board! He told me that I can go to a special post office in Mill Hill to sort out the tax and that he hasn't had the time to do it himself, apparently they won't ask for log book?!

I only recently passed my test and don't want to lose my licence. What do u think about this?




  1. DON'T DRIVE THE CAR you have no tax or insurance and YOU  will be liable in the event of an accident

  2. Unless things have chnaged now - not all Post Offices can tax cars.  It is illegal to drive without tax and insurance and you are taking big risks of being stopped by the police and it is easy for them to check you out by computer as you drive by.  To tax a car you need the certificate of insurance and also MOT certificate if applicable and the relevant form for taxing the vehicle together with the payment.

  3. Try this number, it's for a local DVLA, this one is in Sidcup, but the should help:  08708 500 007.

  4. I agree with the first poster. Someone is telling you porkies here.

  5. stop driving the car until he has sorted it. firstly - no insurance is 6pts and an in10. which will mean an immediate retest for you. he prob doesnt realise that he will be given points to for letting you drive it without insurance (in12). also, the courts will also give you points for driving a car with no tax. all you need to do is pass a police car - the t5's and traffic cops now  have a system in them which bleeps when a car passes with no tax/ins/mot - so what you need to be asking yourself is is this guy worth losing your license over. at the end of the day, you have no defence - you know it aint insured or taxed

  6. If I were you I would Waite until you have the proper documents and the tax sorted out before you drive it, he said that you can drive it home, if he wants you to go home in it then let him drive you home, he can go to that special post office at the same time.

  7. Don't do it

  8. That bloke is talking bollocks. There is nothing above board about having no tax and theres no such thing as a special post office!

  9. Don't believe a word of it.  Absolute rubbish.  Don't have anything to do with the car until you, personally, see proof that it is insured for you to drive and that it possesses a valid tax disc (plus an MoT if it's over 3 years old).

    It's your responsibility you see, as driver, to make sure those three requirements are met, no matter what your boss says.

    Using it without insurance, for example will get you 6 - 8 points, plus a hefty fine, and you know that as a new driver 6 points will strip you of your licence and send you back to provisional status.

  10. your boss is a k**b.

  11. It doesnt sound too good, i would hold off on driving it till you know for sure that the tax and insurance is sorted on it!! he might be doing it for you but if you drive it then its YOU thats gonna bear the brunt of it if your caught driving it!

    You can recieve points on your license, and if the car is caught driving on the road with no insurance it could end up being crushed!

    Personally i woulndt risk it  but its up to you!

    good luck

  12. you cant lose your licence for driving without tax but you can get in a lot of trouble for driving without insurance. I think ou can get upto 6 months in jail

  13. Dont take any notice of him because he is talking through his back side.

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