
Drooping eyelid after cataract surgery...

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I had cataract surgery on my left eye 11 days ago, I noticed right away that my eye after the surgery was smaller than the right eye. The dr said that would go away after it healed. I went back to the dr a couple days ago for follow up and asked again and he said give it time... My eyelid feels heavy and hard to hold open, and if I close my right eye its hard to hold left eye open. If I do the opposite close my left eye (the one with surgery) it is very easy to hold the right eye open.

I've done some research on cataract surgery complications and i'm finding droopy eyelids and asymmetrical eyes are things that can occur after if the surgery was not done correctly or rushed.

I look at pics of myself before and took some today to view and there is a significant difference in the shape of my eye vs the other eye now. Anyone ever experienced this, will it go away, or did you seek out legal counsel? I am very upset at this issue, as my appearance is important to me.




  1. You should have another follow up scheduled, correct?  I would give it a little more time and then consult the doctor about possible corrective surgery to "lift" the eyelid back into place.

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