
Droopy Lip ?????????

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There is this beautiful horse at my yard but he has a really droopy lip.

I know it means hes relaxed but they are normally just in the stable or field.

His is like ti ALL the time, when he is tense, alert, even when he is on hacks and being lead into the field.

He doesnt seem to have any control over it, when you poke it, it just wobles from side to side and when he walks, it swings.

What is wrong with him? is it serious?




  1. LOL. Some horse's carry this trait naturally. I especially think it's funny when you're galloping the back of these lip draggers and you can hear it flopping up and down from the saddle.

    Also, some horse's that have parrot mouth display this trait along with horse's that are given bute or ACE may have a lazy lip.

  2. Nerve damage.  Only on the lower lip, sounds like too much curb chain, too tight for too long.  Not serious but an inconvenience for the horse.

  3. Droopy lower lip can be from damage to facial nerves (usually bilateral), from sow mouth (congenital malocclusion), or sometimes older horses allow the lip to droop, although it may be from nerve damage in those cases as well.

    If it's a malocclusion, having the teeth floated every 6 months is vital, as the teeth wear down and form hooks frequently. Other than that, there is nothing to do about it.

  4. No, it is not anything serious. I have a horse that has this as well. hers isn't as bad as this one sounds, however.

    Its something some horses are born with, just like horses with overbites and parrot mouths. its just a fault on the horse. its nothing big, as when the bit is in the mouth, you rarely notice it. and you would get counted down in a halter class if the lip was hanging.

    But other wise, there is nothing wrong with the horse... it just doesn't have as pretty of a lip as some other horses. =]

  5. Option #1 - He's old. Old horses lose a lot of muscle, and that could include his facial muscles, resulting in the droopy lip

    ADD: probably not what's wrong with your horse if he's only 11 :)

    Option #2 - nerve damage. When my horse was gelded, he enjoyed his sedation so much that he wanted to sleep it off for an hour or so. An hour with his halter pressing on his face. Damaged the nerves, gave him a crooked lip. Got better over time, but you can still tell if you really look.

    Neither one is serious. It's not going to hurt him - it just makes him cuter :)

  6. This means He was ridden a lot, maybe in big shows, or just showen a lot. NO it is not seriose, One of my horses lips is like that and he was used for barrels, and reining.

  7. i have a horse like that,  a racehorse, he's fine, the only down side to that is that even though it's not supposed do be judged down in the show ring it will be

    i hate judges

  8. My horse is like that, I don't think it's serious (he is also getting older now, so it could be due to that). I think it makes him that much cuter, lol. Don't worry about it, the horse will be fine, it's just the way he is :)

  9. I have an aged gelding that sometimes gets lazy and his bottom lip shows it.  That's usually when I am getting lax and not gathering him up, keeping him collected and his mind on his business, seriously.
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