
Drop Swim Time this summer?!?

by  |  earlier

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ok im a freshman going to be a sophomore.

i wanna be on the swim team next year but right now my time is a 44 in 50 free. And i need a 35 to make the team next year. Last time i swam a 44sec. i was 205lbs. that was in january. now i weigh 169 and i havn't swam since january. how many seconds do you think ive droped.

2nd. what can i do to drop time. I cant join a team because i have summer school. i have about 2 months.

++ what are some good practices. (im swimming alone in the pool so yeah.) but somethings thats effective. i need this.

if you have any ideas on what can help me loose time please tell me. i really want to make the team.




  1. Wow congratulations on the weight drop that will make a tremendous difference in your time.  If you can do 1 hour practices 4X a week over the next 2 months, crosstrain by running or biking, shave down (legs and arms) and taper (rest EZ practices X2 weeks before tryouts) you should get sub 30sec.  Here is how to do it.  Start with a beginner practice around 1500 yards.  Intermediate 1800-2200, Advanced 2500-3000.  Always have a warm up and warm down, kick set every practice, always followed by the main set which should be no more than double the warmup.  Sample practices

    Beginner this is 1700 yds

    warmup ladder 1-2-1 pks fr (pull a lap fr, kick a lap fr, swim a lap fr, then pull 2 laps fr ect)

    4X50's fr 1:10 interval 1 min rest then

    4X50's back 1:30 interval

    main set 6X100's fr

    build odds by lap (build start slow, swim med in middle of pool, fast into wall)

    evens drill fingertip (highelbow recovery, trace thumb up side of body)

    kick set

    16x25's 30 sec

    200 EZ

    intermediate 2200 yards

    warm up 300 free

    12x 25's free (half lap sprint, half lap EZ) 10 sec rest in between

    main set

    ladder free


    5 sec rest(15 sec rest) 5 sec rest

    kick set 12X25's 30 sec interval

    6X100's fr build by lap on 2:00

    200 EZ

    advanced 2700

    warm up

    p-k-s 1-2-1 IM order (pull a lap fly, kick a lap fly, swim a lap fly, pull a lap back, kick a lap back, swim a lap back ect)

    4X50's fr on 1:15 (fast long rest)

    8X50's fr drill down swim back 15 sec rest odd fr, even prime

    16X25's fr kick 30 sec

    8X25's free half lap spin drill, half lap EZ

    300 swim down

    Tips when you start out you are mostly doing conditioning.  As you get in shape there is more focus on a long warm up, fast speed sets with long rest.  You will probably drop another 10lbs over the summer.  Shoot for a goal weight of 145.  I have noticed girls that weigh this are the fastest so any more weight you can drop as long as you are doing so in a healthy way will be a plus.  I think it is very reasonable to drop 10 over the summer and another 5 in the fall which will put you close to an ideal weight for the fastest time.

  2. to drop time, swim faster

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