
Drop out of advanced classes?

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So I'm going into 9th grade and I'm in the advanced classes. But I don't want to be in them anymore. It just seems like a huge waste of time to me.

Is it too late to change our scheduales? We're having an open house on weds. and we'll be getting our scheduales then. Could I jsut call the school and tell them I want to be in the academic classes?




  1. no because  you mine need the them on the other hand it they are way to hard and you can get help at all then drop out now .

  2. I am in advanced classes as well, i have been since 7th grade. and im going into the same grade as you.

    and im pretty sure its not too late to drop out of them....because  at my school you have until the  first day to change the schedule.

    so at open house or w/e for your high school, why dont you go talk to the guidance counselor or the one who is in charge of making schedules, and tell them tht you want to drop out of those classes and be put in the regular classes.

    ...i had to do that last year...except i wasnt dropping the classes..i just had to move the hours of some around.

  3. This all depends on your school, my school requires you to go the teacher and get them to help you drop out but there is still a chance that you might not get out of the class.

    You can always call the school and ask that what i did, but many schools require you to change after the classes start due to people dropping out because of summer assignments.  

  4. You need to call up your school and set up a time to meet with your counselor and they should be able to change your classes for you before school starts. That's how it works at my school. I am going to change one of my classes this week when I go to pick up my schedule, but I've already called my counselor to talk to her about changing. If you can't get in with your counselor before school, you should be able to change within the first week of school. That's how it is at my high school.

    I am in Advanced Placement, and it is not a huge waste of time to me. It definitely prepares you for what is going to come in the future. You'll find it harder to keep up as you progress in your school career if you're in regular classes versus Advanced classes. You can also get college credit in high school and save THOUSANDS of dollars if you take Advanced courses in high school. But the choice is your's.  

  5. never give up!

  6. Just call them.

  7. when you get your scheduals you can usually go to your councilor and you can get it changed, but you really shouldn't change it if you are planning to go to college. Colleges would rather have people getting b-'s in honor classes, then A+'s in regular classes. But good luck! You can try calling the school but they will probably tell you to wait till you get your schedual. Well good luck!

  8. your parents can request that you be place in academic classes. "advanced " classes are more of an integration/school acreditation device than a advantage course for college. Advanced classes are entirely voluntary. I was in advanced classes and it was a total waste of time and effort, going to the same classes with the same people, once i went to regular, i made more friends and better grades  

  9. i think you have time to change if you want, i know how you are feeling i took some advanced classes in school and now that am in college it really was a waste of time. good luck

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