
Dropped cell phone? ?

by  |  earlier

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I dropped my cell phone in the sink, it didn't have much water in it.. But I've heard stories about dropping cellphones, and the battery being screwed with a lessened capacity. There are no signs that it's been dropped, but how can I know if the battery is screwed?

It's a new phone, and it has been less than 30 days, I have no insurance, could I exchange it?




  1. it depends on the owner and the phone company!

  2. I'm sure its ok... if it hasn't been weird by now then i'm sure its ok. If you want to exchange it i guess you can try.  

  3. Well you might be able to exchange it if it's under warranty.

    If it's just the battery that your worried about just go out and buy a new battery.  It would be a lot cheaper than buying a new phone if you can't exchange it.

  4. no you can't but if they can't tell the damages theres no way they can find out the battery will not be screwed all phones have 1 year warranty take it to the store you got it from and your receipt they should do it  

  5. Dont turn it on, take it all apart (take the back plate off and the battery out) and lay it on a paper towel, to make sure theres no water inside. Leave it overnight, and in the morning, check if theres any signs of water. if not, put it back together and turn it on. If it still works your in the clear, if not, just bring it back and say that you tryed to turn it on and it just didnt work.

    Good luck!

  6. you could but tey would ask you why but if you like the phone i say keep it.

  7. The same thing happened to my mum but it was the toilet. She used a hair dryer staright away on it but the battery was screwed. Maybe take it in and just ask about the insurance and if the battery is stuffed. To check if you still have water in the phone shake it and you should be able to hear it.

  8. Exchange the cell phone?  Theres no problem with the phone, you're the one that dropped it.  If you're less than 30 days old, try to turn yourself in for a refund or replacement.  h**l, maybe it will be better!

  9. how about leaving it there  

  10. nope it wont work you dropped it in water (  the worse place to drop anything electronic D:  so id suggest that you take it back to verizon cinglar etc.  they might give you another one but you dont have insurences so im not reall all that  sure :( im glad i could help if any.

  11. if it works, who cares

  12. no but you should take the battery out and turn your oven on low and just put it on top of the oven with the rest of your phone. it worked for mine after i was thrown into the pool with phone and ipod

  13. not unless you have warranty or insurance on it. but you can check if its wet by taking off the battery and checking the dot, and if its white, its not wet, but if its red, its broke.  if it is wet, put it in the oven for a few mins then put it in DRY rice and let it sit there. let it dry out for a few days(3) trust me, i've answered questions like these before, and it worked for them! it also worked for my friend ++ me:)

  14. It wouldn't really make any since if you took it back and there was nothing wrong with it... I guess If you wanted to bring it back then go to the store and ask a technission to help you out. But you do whatever you want...

  15. Yes you can tell them its screwed up but you might want to make sure isn't not working before you do .I dropped my cell and the screen went out i had no insurance but they exchanged it for me. (I told them it was a phone defect) So yeah i think you could exchange it. good luck :)
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