
Dropped contacts reusable?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so i was trying to wear my contacts, and it kinda fell off. I was searching for it in the sink for like 10 min before i gave up. I come 20 min later and find in on top on the faucet. It was attached and kind of hard when i took it off. I cleaned it with the lens cleaner. Safe to wear?




  1. i don't wear contacts, but i think you might want to sterilize them by soaking them in alcohol for about 8 minutes or boiling them in water

  2. Wash the contact at least 3 times in separate hands with your lens solution cleaner. What I mean by separate hands is clean it in one, then the other, so it doesn't keep the same dirt as before.

    However, if you do this, put it in your eye, and feel discomfort, take it out immediately and replace it with a new one.

    (I wear contacts)

  3. No, I wouldn't.

  4. i would not where them again because you will have germs from a faucet but still ask your eye doctor just to be safeand you wont have to pay for another set.

  5. Hydrate the lens with whatever disinfecting solution you normally use.  Then inspect it.  If it is torn or looks warped, toss it.  If not, clean and disinfect and you should be fine.  However if it is uncomfortable replace it.

  6. I would presume so...if you cleaned it really well. I've dropped mine a few times and used them again.

  7. You have to clean the contact many times and let it soak for a day in the solution (DO NOT PUT IT IN YET) and then hold it up to the light and see if there are any cracks or rips. If there are any cracks do NOT put it back in your eye because it could rip or tear it, which could lead to permanent damage and/or an infection. I wouldn't wear it again, just to be safe. But if you choose to not wear it again, don't keep using one contact for over two weeks because it's bad for your eyes. Also, if you feel extreme pain and uncomfortableness TAKE IT OUT IMMEDIATELY.

    Good luck! :)

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