
Dropping grades?

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I'm in 11th grade now, uptill 9th grade I use to get straight A's but now I'm just so bored in life I lost interest in everything.

I don't have any friends or anyone to look up to... all my friends moved away after my 9th grade got over. And I don't get along with my current batch in school.

My class teacher is asking me to quit basketball, the only thing which got me recoganition in school.

My 11th grade first term exam was so bad, I think I'm gonna fail in 4 of my 5 subjects. I never even opened my books and just slept in the examination hall. My career aptitude test showed that I'm not interested in any feild... I need some motivation!! Everday is like a flashback of the previous day!

Everything is so DULL!!




  1. Ummm if you want to succeed in life, you need to motivate yourself.

    Just because life is boring doesn't mean magical A's are going to appear on your report card because you want them to.

    Working hard is what gets you somewhere in life.

  2. change schools. that will help.

  3. Come on man! Life is too short to be bored or unhappy. Find a girl, a friend, a hobby. Set a life goal and set out on achieving it. Look at life in a different perspective. Dont always look at things as boring. Find the good things in life. Failing highschool is not good. It can make or break your life. Motivate yourself to be the best you can be! Once you have a good attitude, the grades will come back up and you life back on track. If you have an aim screen name tell me and we can talk more

  4. reminds me of my self

    just think about ur future

    wat would u become if u failed?

    get some good grades for the future

    u wanna b a hobo off the streeetS?

  5. I'm back to answer =]

    I think everyone goes through this phase at school. I know I certainly did and so did a lot of my friends. It's really difficult to make school exciting when there is stuff you just have to learn and when every day seems to be the same.

    I see some people above said that it's a symptom of depression, which is true. If you think that you may be suffering from depression then please speak to a doctor. It's really nothing to be ashamed of and no one else will know unless you tell them.

    I know your schooling really full on. Much more so than mine in New Zealand or Australia and more than in America. You always seem to be doing school work or heading off to school. Your holidays aren't all that long either. So don't put yourself down. You work a lot harder than more people do.

    Is it just that you're finding the work boring or is it difficult as well? If it's difficult you could ask your teacher for some extra help. That's what they're there for after all.

    If you can, you could make an appointment with the school counselor or career's people and they might be able to help you. Counselors at school get a lot of this and have a lot of helpful advice for getting motivated.

    Is there anything that interests you beyond schooling? Like what job would you like to have. Don't worry about quizzes, they don't really tell you what careers you'd enjoy just the ones that you'd be good at. When I was in my last year of school I needed something to motivate me. Although I'd been thinking about this for a long time I decided teaching was for me and that's the career path I wanted to take. When I decided that I had so much more motivation. I saw where I was going and why school was useful.

    I think if you can see where you're going with your life then you can see how finishing school with good grades is the first step.

    You've only got a few more years left and then it'll be over and you'll miss it! Trust me, it's so weird not going to school everyday.

    If it's your school surroundings that are the issue then you could try and move schools.

    Reward yourself for doing well. Speak to your parents and tell them you're having a bit of a hard time motivating yourself and see if they've got any good ideas. I hope it passes soon because you're really smart and you don't want to get bad grades and miss out on opportunities because of this!


  6. try transfering schools or doing somthing daring when you go to school maybe look up somee stuff online nd you should make flashh cards

  7. listening to 80's flashbacks (witch are all depressing songs) makes you not depresed for some reason. get a girl if you can. but books also took me out of my world. not because they were interesting but because i laughed and said "at least i'm not that guy"

  8. just think of what you have to look forward to in life not the present.Youre worried so much its making you feel down but think what you want to become and how school  can help you get there.Your family is always by you talk to them too if you have too.I hope it works out :)

  9. It sounds like you might be a little depressed. Why don't you try meeting your friends for a game of basketball outside of school? Then afterwards, they could come over to study. Tell your parents or a trusted adult how you feel. I hope everything goes well for you.

    Animal =)

  10. Along with all the other comments , think it in this way : you are ur parents's only thing hich they can truly call their own and they love you.They are working and sweatin , just to get you a good education and see you end up at a coprorate table , not flippin burgers at a cafe ! . well ,no job can be said as disgusting or such , but why waste ur life when you have so much potential ?

  11. Typically it's a sign of depression actually, which i wouldn't blame you for if all your friends are gone. But you should try talking to someone you can trust...parents/counselor? Try some new things. Basketball will always be there when you are feeling better. But trust me in saying that the lack of doing work takes a big toll...

  12. why don't you change schools? Maybe that can help.
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