
Dropping out, and custody?

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so im 15 , turning 16 in less than 2 months. i moved recently 2 hrs away from where i used to live, and i hate it here, and it sucks cuz now my bf is 2 hrs away. we've been going out for almost a year now and i hate all of this and being here and the school sucks . if i dropped out of school when im 16 , do my parents still have the control over me to keep me from leaving and moving?

or if i dropped out and moved and got back into highschool, do they have control over me to make me come back, because im under 16 ??




  1. Yes hon, you aren't free til 18!

  2. Yes your parents still have control over you. You can't move without their approval. Basically, you're stuck until the day you turn 18. Since when is a boy worth ruining your ralationship with your parents?

    Oh and don't listen to Elliot, because if you run away again and again. The state steps in and takes custody and you will end up even farther away than you are now.

  3. until you're 18 you are a minor which means your parents have full control over you.

    you can apply to become an emancipated minor which would grant you all the rights of an adult.


  4. Parents have complete custody of you until you are an adult (18-years-old) Sorry :\

  5. yes they do you are not of legal age until your 18 and some states 17. you can even go to juvy for running away. stay in school and get your education, oh and you cant drop out at 16 with out your parents permission. and more then likely they wont emancipate you unless you are more of an adult then a kid or have lived an adults life.

  6. Your enrollment status in high school has no effect on your parent's custody, thus "control" of you.  You will be under their guardianship until you either reach the age of majority (18) or get emancipated.  At this point, and even when you're 16, any leaving or moving can get you reported as a runaway by your parents.

  7. yea

  8. yes they do but you can always run away again and again i mean they will eventualy have to give up

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