
Dropping out of college?

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What things would I need to know about doing so? Like....will I be refunded for the money I spent? (Only been in for 3 days) Stuff like that.




  1. You will need to speak with the Registrar's Office to see what you need to do; signatures are usually required from several departments.  Most schools will refund some of your money; however it is up to each school's discretion to make their own policy.  I work at a university in the Registrar's Office and since this is the first week of classes, students who withdraw by Friday (the 29th) will get 80% of their money refunded.  

  2. It varies from college to college.  For example, the one I go to, requires you to drop all your classes by September 3rd for a 100% refund, it goes down after that.

    If you are able to go to your school's website and look at their Registration/Records part then try and find Dates and Deadlines, it should tell you there.

  3. in the school that i am studying at you could refund the money that you have paid during the first week of classes since the school year started. You must withdraw all your class cards because you would be needing those when you would be applying in a different institution.

    why are you dropping anyway? based from my experience dropping out of college is really hard. i didn't really drop but i was planning to but then i realized that not all students are given the opportunity to study. i was going to drop because my mom is having problems with money. so i was thinking of dropping and find a work but the problem is they won't accept me because i am still a minor even if i am capable and willing to work. i seeked the advice of my elders and experienced friends and they all told me that my mom would be more problematic if i would be dropping form college. and i gave it a thought and realized that they were correct so the only thing that i could do to help my mom is first to pray for her, second study hard and finally, i budget my money even if my allowance is really scarce because everything now a days are very high priced. it is just  matter of sacrifice i guess. i am really tired but still i want to prove to them that money is not the only reason that would make me stop from achieving my dreams. i have failed once and i don't want to commit that mistake again.

    i suggest that you think things over before doing your action. God bless you my friend

  4. just do it dude. if you have already paid your money i highly highly doubt they'l refund it. so you might as well keep going.

  5. lmao no u wont. dont even think about it. you stay in college and you DO YOUR WORK mister "all knowing being". if u got a job, quit. do your college work. study hardbody. you can do it son.

  6. and why would you drop out?!

  7. Hey, don't worry. College isn't for everyone. But to answer your question, no you won't be refunded. So if you ARE gonna dropout, try and get a job before you do so, that way you can have something to fall back on. However, leave the possibility of returning open, as it will help you in the long run.

  8. First, I'll advise you to weigh the pros and cons of your decision carefully. But, assuming that you are making the decision to drop out for the right reasons (whatever is best for you), here is what you need to know:

    1) Refund policies vary by institution. If you drop classes in the first week, some schools will give you a partial tuition refund.

    2) Any activity fees or student fees that you have paid are probably gone. If you bought a parking decal or meal plan, some schools will refund that money, but that's about it.

    3) If you are leaving the school, make sure to officially withdraw. This can usually be done in the registrars office. If you think you may come back next semester or next year, talk to your academic advisor immediately to learn about your options.

    4) Even if you aren't going to get a refund, still make sure that you withdraw from classes. I can't tell you how many times I've had upset students in my office because they left a school without withdrawing, got F's in all of their courses, and forever ruined their GPAs when they thought that they had left the course.

    Best of luck to you!

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