
Dropping out of school.?

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Hey I was wondering if there are forms online that you print out for dropping out of school. I'm pretty sure I found one online before but now I can't seem to find one. Thank you!




  1. Please don't drop out of school.  Firstly, you will, in your lifetime, earn one million dollars less than those who complete school.  Secondly, the United States has dropped to number 24 in the world in terms of education - we once were number one!  Don't be a loser who will only be able to get low-paying jobs.  Reading will make you smart.  It worked for me.

  2. Why do you want to drop out school?? wow!

  3. i didnt drop out but i had left school to go to homeschool. when i was at normal community high school (nchs) my mom just talked to the principal and told him that i would be leaving school to go to homeschool and she just signed papers. thats also what you do to drop out as well.

  4. sweetie don't drop out of school. I know this might not be something you wanna hear or you heard time and time again don't drop out school is important so that you can succeed in life its hard when you don't have education...  FINISH school :) its hard but you can make it and you will if you continue to push forward ... regardless how it feels like now continue to push forward sweetie  

  5. Depending on the laws of your state, you are required to be in some sort of school - homeschool, online, brick an mortar, until a certain age - usually 16-18 years.

    Check here for the homeschooling laws of your state:

    Find your state and read up on the laws.  You will find out how to withdraw from school.  Depending on your age, however, you may need to do more than just leave school or you will be in legal trouble.

    All the best.

  6. STOP LOOKING! you can do it if u try.(school) dont drop out. if u dont succeed at first try try again!

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