
Drops of water keep falling on me?

by  |  earlier

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I was sitting on my dining room table writing something and I felt a drop of water fall on my hand. I was not drinking any liquid, I had none around me, rain wasn't falling or anything. However this still keeps on happening frequently. Any explanations?




  1. well mainly its simple there are some source's of aquatic vamp's or anilitisi a indian vampire that can change its form or.. ya got a ghost

  2. ah yes i know these symptoms. this happened to my friend before he went crazy(!)......well not crazy but way paranoid

  3. water= spirit, Spirit of God

    rain= Life, revival, Holy Spirit.


    Sounds like the Holy Spirit is raining on you.  :)

  4. Assming that the drop of water you felt originated from the ceiling directly above your hand, here are some possibilities:

    1. Weather related - perhaps it had rained the previous day, and perhaps you have a leak in your roof/ceiling and residual water was still coming through.

    2. Plumbing related - you may have water pipes above the ceiling and they may be leaking there.

    3. Condensation/Humidity related - water may be forming up along the ceiling or in the attic due to humidity in the home. This is especially true if you have an A/C vent or duct above the ceiling in that area. The cold surfaces of the A/C vent or duct will cause condensation to form and eventually it will form enough to create water drops. The A/C system itself could also be creating humidity and condensation that leaks out in a vent.

    Examine your ceiling and if possible get into your attic to examine the area above your ceiling to better determine the cause. If you have an A/C vent in the ceiling above where your hand was, it's very likely caused by the A/C. If you have leaky pipes, you may need to have a plumber assess damage and repair.

    It is also possible that water is leaking from another part of the room ceiling and richoting off of another surface toward your hand.

  5. Hi Pink,

    I don't think we'd agree on many things, but I've had the same thing happen. Over the years it's happened several times and I've remembered due to how unlikely it is. It's happened inside and outside under clear blue skies. Last time was just a couple of weeks ago while I was driving.

    I can only assume it's some kind of 'sensory trick' that our body or mind plays on us. Maybe similar to an itch? It's that distinct my reflex action kicks in and I've gone to wipe it off. I recall reading about people seeing/experiencing ghostly ecto water, but I'm more inclined to think it's a sensory trick.

    It's nice to know I'm not the only one : )

  6. You have a plumbing problem, call a plumber!

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