
Droughts compared to wildfires?

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I'm writing an essay about global warming.

As an enviromental topic i chose droughts, but my teachr wants me to explain how the increasing drought frequency is likely to start wildfires. i searched the net, i got nothing, can you help me out a bit?

i put... that since droughts make the earth's soil hot and dry, wildfires start....i dont really know though, please help me!!!




  1. These might help:

    Early Warning Signs: Droughts and Fires

    Global warming 'will cause more forest fires, droughts and floods'

    A drought for the ages

  2. The reason why you can find nothing on the net is because the premise is false.  There is no increasing drought frequency.  Some areas get droughts, sure, but most are short term as the weather is never the same year to year.

    For example, the SE US was dry last year, there was a drought.  Because of natural weather patterns, Texas got more rain than average, while Alabama and Georgia got less.

    It's just an uneven distribution of rain, not that there is a lack of rain.

    This year the storm tracks are moving further south.  Alabama and Georgia are no longer in an extreme drought.

    However, where it is dry, fires can start because of the accumulated dead wood dries out.  Storms cause lighting that sparks the wood starting the fire.  The rain usually doesn't reach the ground as it evaporates while it falls.

  3. There is an excellent article on this subject by the scientist, A.L. Westerling in the August 2006 issue of Science. It is available for free online at the address below.

    It shows that the seasonal dry season is starting earlier every year, causing the fire season to be longer. This has resulted in a larger area of land being burned every year, despite the best efforts at suppression.

    Wildfires are one of the big problems resulting from global warming as not only do they cause huge amounts of damage, but they radically change ecosystems. They prevent trees from ever maturing by burning them as saplings. If the atmosphere continues to heat up, we will see the forests give way to grasslands.

  4. there is certainly an incress in drought, 1 of Australia's major rivers actually dried up this year, the other rivers are barley capable of supplying enough water to sustain the annual crops,.Some kids in outback Australia have never seen rain, considering it hasn't rained in 5 years!, in contrast the north eat coast has had record breaking rains. There has been an increase in  bush fires (wild fire) As for wild fire is important  to have them to help in the germination of new growth in forest and bush lands.

    drought of course leaves the undergrowth dry and susceptible to fire by lightning strike. Not to mention the idiots who will intentionally illegaly set fires

  5. Global warming causes birth defects in French poodles and blue canaries...  Also, it causes women to grow mustaches.

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