
Drowsiness in the afternoon.. can't figure out why

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I feel really really drowsy at work ... in fact i feel so sleepy that i can't put up my head.. but only when I am at work or studying and *usually* not otherwise..

I am on the anti-depressent Lexapro (just shifted from Zoloft) but it can't be because of that because this has been happening way before I started the meds.. I also constantly feel restless and cant sit at one place longer than 15 mins.. till iam not on some sort of benzodiazepine like xanax, ativan or valium.

I sleep ok 8 - 9 hours.. have tried having healthy breakfast.... have tried having tea and then not having it.. just to see having multi-vitamins like b12.. but nothing helps.. i almost have no concentration span... absolutely none at all.. also where i live they will not prescribe any stimulants like ritalin or adderall.. what to do? please help I have searched all over the internet! my age is 26.

I will be more than thankful for ANY suggestions that you people give..

Thank you soo very much in advance!




  1. You know what happens on Christmas Day after the big meal?  You want to sleep it off.  That is because all your body's energy is focussed on digestion.  The same thing if you have a lunch heavy with carbohydrates  -  you'll feel sleepy in the afternoon.  

    Try a much lighter lunch  -  maybe just a salad or some fruit.  Worth a try anyway.

  2. Yes sir, we have the similar problems.  I take Lexapro 20mg which makes me a bit drowsy in the afternoon.  Maybe you could talk to your doctor about adding an activating anti-depressant like Wellbutrin.  About the stimulants, I'm positive you could obtain a script for Ritalin or Adderall if you're ADD/ADHD. -- are you?\

    stimulant + SSRI (i.e. Lexapro, Zoloft) is common combo for a lot ADDers.

    *** Edit:  They really don't prescribe stimulants in the UK?  -- even if you were diagnosed ADD?  Hmm...Well, that sucks dude, pardon my uncivil language.  I was diagnosed ADD when I was a child, then later again when I was in college.  Could you talk to your doctor about Modafinil (Provigil or Nuvigil)?  Modafinil promotes wakefulness so it's like a stimulant.  I guess if drowsiness continues to plague you, then you switch to a different med.

    Provigil info ==>

    Nuvigil info ==>

    Hope this helps.

  3. I'm pretty sure its the anti-depressants. I am also on an anti-depressant and I exhibit the same symptoms. Talk to your doctor about it, most anti-depressants have some sort of risk of drowsiness.

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