
Drug abuse poem in the news paper no one seem to know or for that matter give a d**n???

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sssooo there was this really sad poem in the paper wriitten by this guy/girl that wrote right before he/she died from an overdose...i cant find it anywhere...everyone sobbed and it got a week or two on the news but then EVERYONE forgot it... and i really need to find it




  1. I would actually like to read it if you find it ... However if you have a time frame of when it was inthe paper and what paper it was in go the the newspapers website and search their archives

  2. I haven't heard of it, but that's no surprise.  In this day and age, drug abuse and deaths from drugs have become commonplace.  It is sad for life to be lost at any age, but to lose it to drugs is appalling.  If you can remember what paper it was in, you can always call them and ask.  Most now have websites and post about everything to their on-line archives.

  3. There are many such poems written, you give not enough information

    to find what you search for, yet I wish you, good luck.

  4. If you remember the news station, you can contact them and they can provide it to you. It could have been "To the Mother of a Drug Addict", by 17 year old  Karen Lynn Berry.  

    To the Mother of a Drug Addict

    Dear Mama,

    I've scraped many elbows and skinned many knees. You taught me to say 'thank you' and always say 'please'. You were always there at night when I didn't want to be alone. You gave me a place to always call 'home'.

    You never loved me any more; you never loved me any less. Of all the mamas in this world, I still say you're the best. Even though I messed up many times, you've welcomed me with open arms. You held my hand along the way and kept me safe from all life's harms.

    But you looked way past one, Mama, the worst that there can be... I guess you didn't want to believe that this could happen to me. You were always there to fix things. We both stared death in the face. It tried so hard to take me, but once again you've won the race.

    I'm glad I am your baby, no one else could care as much as you. You're so much more than a mama. You are my best friend too. Sometimes I wish that you were here to tuck   I suspected she was doing “something” -- but heroin?  

    me into bed, Tell me one last story and kiss me on my head. I know that God is up there and watches me from above. He gave the world a lot, but he showered me with love.

    I love you always,


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