
Drug abusing 16 year old needs help?

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im 16.My parents always have been pushing me to succeed i think its because my brother made a few mistakes when he was my age. I started smoking when i was 13 then moved on to weed when i was 14 and just lately ive started using acid.

The reason i started smoking was because my parents dont understand me and they always want me to do the opposite of what i want to do. I want to quite using drugs but cant untill i get out from my parents control. Ive tried quiting but cant cope with the stress of my parents expectations without the drugs help.

I would like to get emancipated but im in no position to take care of myself ive been suicidal and i fear my sanity is at stake. My parents yell at me when i bring tests home even if its like a 70% mark.

My parents arent physically saying im stupid but i know they think it cause they always tell me im not doing good enough even if i did well.

My life is ruined by drugs. what can i do to get away from my parent so i can get my life back




  1. lol dude, you know what u do, start playing world of warcraft i used to be like you and wow addiction cured me up im addicted to that now but hey it worked and btw don't get money. that's all u need to do and if u keep doing it you suck man l2 life more

  2. go stay at a friends house or family members house until you quit everything. and i'm not gonna tell you that you have to go talk to a counselor and say do it NOW! because i was/am suicidal too, and i didn't want to go to a counselor either, but it might help, i would give it a chance. get some help with the      , ask a friend/family member/counselor to help quit. talk to your parents (if you can) about how their expectations for you are too high, and ask them to be happy with who you are and what you do. sorry i don't know too much. hope i helped! good luck.

  3. At the moment, you need your parents. Sorry, I know this is the last thing you want to hear, but you're going to have to come clean to them about your misuse of drugs. Why? You're going to need their support in cleaning up your act. They're your family, it's their job to look out for you.

    Also, I think you need outside help, from a health professional of some kind. I would suggest talking to your school counsellor about how you feel about your parents' expectations of you, and ask both your mum and dad to come and see this counsellor together. The counsellor should refer you all to some kind of family therapy. It's important for your parents to understand that their extremely high expectations are pressuring you, likewise you need to understand where your parents are coming from.

    Running away from the source of the pressure is never an answer, pet, and you've been doing this with the drugs all along. It's time to turn around and face it, and with the help of mediation - school counsellor and family therapist - you will develop coping skills. First step: make the appointment with the school counsellor. And the best of luck with it!

  4. First of all congrats for taking the courage to ask the question and be honest about your addiction. You have done the first step.

    I can identify with you about the expectations of parents. I was never good enough as say, my cousins. Although I did not take up drugs it has still affected me.

    You are obviously a very strong person to be able to be honest about the issue and realise why you are doing drugs. I was in a way in a worse situation than you because I felt I was not good enough and that's it, not because my parents had too many expectations of me.

    I have learned when things go tough in my life to make changes. And it is you who needs to make the change. You shouldn't expect other people to change.

    I understand that dealing with your parents maybe extremely hard for you. Is there any way you can move safely away from your parents? I left home when I was 17 to go to university and I think that was the wisest decision of my life.

    If there a university that is far from home that you could go to, without upsetting your parents too much? Is there another way you can leave home on good terms? I do not suggest you run away as this can be very difficult and intimidating.

    You can seek counselling for yourself first. Is there a scheme running at your local hospital? How about your local youth centre? There is probably help out there you just need to find a trustworthy person to ask. I can help you with researching that if you need, just email me.

    Once you are away from home you will find the space for yourself and you will heal, you will leave the drugs behind you and find exciting things to do that are constructive.

    I added this afterwards:

    You will need to find your independence. When you are dependent on your family things can be difficult. If you are able to get counselling with your parents approval then great but they may not agree to that or they may think that counselling is not making you what they want you to be.

    You are at a good age to start your life. But please be very careful. You can be vulnerable in your situation so choose very carefully the people who will help you. A good way is to ask for help from people you have known for some time and you trust them.

  5. Have you tried speaking to a counsellor? I think it's really important to be able to convey to your parents just how much their pressure has affected you, I'm sure both you and they appreciate just how serious an issue drugs are. I'm not too familiar with the situation, perhaps you've already done this but I think it would be regrettable to move straight to emancipation without trying to communicate with them how this has affected you, I imagine much like amputating the problem straight away and not cauterizing it. A counsellor, if they're professional, makes for a good medium to do this and gives you some measure of legitimacy (ie you're not a druggie just because you decided to 'experiment' and you're making an effort to do something to address the situation)

    Certainly I wouldn't expect things to change, things might even worsen (parents decide to disown you) but given what you're considering that wouldn't matter. Still, its best not to have any regrets, to try and do everything you can and if that isn't enough then by all means seek emancipation. I have had serious issues with my father in the past and if you have any really good friends why not stay with them for a bit while you try and sort things out? I am indebted to mine.

    The drugs? Definitely, definitely, cease and desist, the impact they have on your health is disastrous. I'm in no position to judge, personally it feels really regrettable that people can be driven to such things, I value my life immensely (selfishly in fact) and can't understand why others wouldn't do the same with theirs.

  6. It may be hard but first you need to talk to your parents and tell them all this. Tell them you want to get help and be in counseling. They will surely go for that. Then in counseling you can discuss all your feelings about your parents and learn ways to cope with it. The best part is the counselor will want to bring your parents in for a session or two and it can all be talked about in a safe neutral environment.  

  7. You and your parents need family counseling in a bad way.  Even if you get away from your parents, drugs will drag you down to the gutter unless you quit doing them NOW.  YOu need to quit using them before you do counseling because they will just cloud your judgement.  You are going through things that ALL teens go through with their parents, so quit feeling sorry for yourself and wise up.  You need your parents whether you believe it or not.

  8. GIRL ARE YOU NUTS? Your 16 and your in highschool and drugs? Listen to  me very carefully. First of all your dumb for doing this. And I don't want to hear any excuses either. Why would you take the easy way out. You brought this upon your self and you must fix it NOW. The only thing I can say is tell your parents how your feeling, I mean their not gonna shut you out of they're life. Your family loves you and they don't want to see you get hurt. Together you parents can help you with this. Just take time and relax and tell them. It won't hurt you to be honest.I think your stupid for doing this. Your family and friends love you and they hate to see your doing drugs and getting hurt. Stop hurting yourself. Talk with your mom and dad. Let them know whats going on. Then set a goal for yourself and stick to it. For example go to counsling, make an effort to pray to god, or go to church and forgive your sins. Please don't take the easy way out. Thats not the answer.  

  9. Seek counselling.

    I kind of get what you're going through.  I think a lot of teenagers do understand that whole parental expectations and teen reality , although your sounds at the

    You are not far off being able to go to Uni or otherwise support yourself and truly figure yourself out.

    In the meantime, go to a counsellor to help the root cause of why you are taking drugs and help you get off them.

    Make sure you eat healthy and take up some form of exercise (even if it is walking around the block).  Exercise releases endorphins and other natural feel goods into your body and has the added advantage of keeping you away from your parents...

    Good luck - you can do it!

  10. What you need is a job.  Not only will you be away from your parent but you will be earning money as well.  And learning something too.

    Get off your bum and be a man.  You ain't so weak that you can't get outta this rut.  The only excuse you got for keepin on doin drugs is sheer lazyness.  Man dude you gotta come to grips with how life is.  It ain't fair and never will be.  Hidin behind drugs or whatever makes you a coward.

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