
Drug running:How much money is really in it?How many different levels are there?

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How much money do those at the lower end of the pecking order make per week?£200?£400?How much money do the mid-level & high-level people make?What about money launderers?What is their cut?




  1. if your at the lower level you could make nothing because if you don't do it the gun at your head could go of. at the higher level well as much as they want

  2. A run as a courier from say Holland could net you £2000.a middleman within UK carrying a couple or so kilos,of class B ,£750,class A big money(£10000 depending on the amount, plus a chance of being set up,robbed of the gear or even murdered.If you've idea's be very very carefull.It's an eveil deadly gane!

  3. If you're thinking of doing it, DON'T

  4. Very little probably along the lines of swallow these wraps/condoms or we'll start amputating your nephews. Then there is the risk of a bag/wrap disolving or tearing inside you, let lone if you get caught in a strict country where you could end up with the death penalty. There are better ways of making money illegally like being a car mechanic! £100/per hour!!!!

  5. look at please

    it's very important

    thank you

  6. Oooh my condoms split.

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