
Drug test ??any know how to pass??

by  |  earlier

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ok just asking for a friend but what is good to pass a drug test??? for meth and pot ?what can you use for meth to pass??? and what can u use to pass for pot?




  1. That stuff takes atleat a good 30 days before its out of you're system completely.

    You're friends chances of passing are very low, on the other hand get him to exercise and drink a lot water.

    Fiber is good for a faster metabolism.

  2. haha no need to lie and say its for a friend (; but cranberry juice.. A LOT of it always helps.. rtust me it helped me pass!! thank goodness

  3. first off all, you shouyldn't be doing that stuff in the first place! it is illegal and wrong, it is wrong to lie

  4. Either tell them to quit whatever it is that they are doing, or buy the whizzinator.  The only way to reliably give a clean U.A. is to quit, and then hope you don't have a test before your clean.

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