
Drug test coming up,need help on the question?

by Guest33908  |  earlier

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i have crushed my leg a while back and arthritis is setting in and i don't have a prescription for any hydrocodone and ive tooken 4 in the past 4 to 5 days and just now fount out i got a drug test in a week will i be clear ? can water help make it pass threw a little faster ???




  1. It will be out of your system in 1 to 6 days.

  2. look man some people take drugs but i dont and here is somthing people do for the urine test drink a gallon of water like 1 hour or 30 minutes going in and take a leak first the the second time you have to go thats the urine sample it will not be in your system to long to pick up the drug but drinking water doesnt mean it will help it pass its just that if you go right now and do the urine test it will come out dirty cus the urine has been in their long enough to get some of the drug and with a gallon of water it will give you clean urine and knowing that the system cant hold that much water in for a long time you will eventually just pissing out water

  3. Hydrocodone is not water soluble so drinking water will not change things however this drug will most likely not show on a urine test after 5 days unless it is a more comprehensive test including metabolites which is not usually done for random drug screens.  They are much too expensive for company and courts to pay for.  good luck

  4. Drinking exorbitant amounts of water can help clear your system faster, but certainly not in one week's time. Actually, to be honest, I don't know much about the solubility of Hydrocodone.  It may be a good idea to go to your doctor and ask to be prescribed something for the pain in your leg and suggest a small prescription of Hydrocodone to help occasionally.  If you could go ahead and get a prescription, it could save your ***. :)

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