
Drug test comming up help me!

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Ok i have a drug test comming up on tusday. i Smoked last week. and wen i got home i drank 5 water bottles and 1 gallon of green tea and two shots of vinigir and 2 vinigir pills. did that get it out of my system or should i do it again tommorow??




  1. unless you get a buddies drug free pee and tape it under your arm pit to keep it warm ,you lose.

    been ther  done that.

    Its in your system for 30 plus days

  2. Uh oh,

    i definitely wouldn't do it again until your test is finished you don't want to risk it....

    Some people say that you can detect cannabis in your system for up to 3 months read....

    I would rather be safe than sorry!


  3. don't listen to mary and mike. jesus i hate when people say Marijuana ruins lives. just ask around other pot heads in school ask around for a place that sells detox. it can get it out of your system.  

  4. pls do take more herbal and vegetables products or fresh ones

  5. you could try to get some niassin

    i would do it again for like 4 days it'll flush out

  6. Your doing good! Keep at it till the very last hour when you take that test.  

  7. If you need a drug test for the job then maybe you should quite.

    Also with the medical science they have now, they will know. Also most places that have drug tests will also have random drug tests so I would just stop smoking pot.

    If it's not addictive you should easily be able to stop, but most people don't.  

  8. Well the time that it takes for weed to get out of your system depends on how much you smoke. It usually takes 3-4 days. Since you've drank all that water, you're most likely good but try drinking more just in case.

    There's also some pills that you can buy to clean up your system.

  9. Whats the dif, you're ruining your life already.  Just take the test and if you do not pass look at it this way, you weren't busted, you were rescued

  10. You messed up bad. If you get caught you deserve it.

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