
Drug test next week?

by  |  earlier

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the night before last night i took 3 puffs of weed, but the last time i smoked before last night was like 2 months ago, but anyways so i have to take a drug test for work like wednesday so will the test show up positive?

if yeah, then what can i do to make it like show up negative?





  1. For a test to be called POSITIVE there has to be so many per million, depending where you are. In Florida, a zero tolerance state, it is 50 ppm. In Colorado, a more user friendly state, it is 100 ppm. This is to insure that innocent people aren't falsely accused.

    Sounds like someone you smoked with narced on you. You will probably be OK if you are telling the truth about how much. Drink water prior to the test, not soda or coffee, water only. Pee several time before you give the sample and keep drinking the water. I'm not talking about gallons, just a bottle or two.

    Otherwise, you find someone who has clean urine, and get some.

    You go to Walgreens and buy a small "sample size" shampoo and throw the shampoo away. You clean the bottle out very well then you fill it with the clean urine. To maintain sample at body temperature, which is part of the test, you insert the bottle where you would put a tampon. Unless this test if for the government or rehab, nobody will actually watch you pee.

  2. It depends on the kind of drug test used and other stuff, but check out the link below which has a lot of relevant information and should help you out:

  3. it stays in ur system for a long time,so ur done for

  4. 5 to 8 days for a one time use. See

  5. I believe it will stay in your system for a good few days now.

    To be fair - do you think you actually deserve to pass if you've had drugs anyway? Doesn't matter how often you do it, you shouldn't do it at all.

  6. I've heard that if you drink a lot of water (a LOT) that you can clear your system. Now I'm not too sure about whether this is actually true or not. The drug clings to your fat cells and usua;;y takes a while to clear out.

    All I can say is don't bother using any of those weird drugs the promise to clean out your system, they're usually not safe and most places now test for them too.

    What a friend of mine did when he had his drug test and knew he was going to fail it was ask one of his "clean" friends to pee in a bag and he tapped it to the inside of his leg. You only need a small amount to get the test done. Just make sure its warm when you hand it in and you get it from your own gender (because boy pee smells different than girl pee)

  7. if they take a hair sample then yes everything you have ever done is going to show up, depending on how much hair you have.

    and the only way to get that to turn up neg. is to shave your head. but thats not a good idea

    if its a blood test idk

  8. dude man not good you couldn't wait till after but yeah it might just come up positive cause it takes at least a month or more for it to be completley flushed from your system

    and it you want it to come up negative then i suggest you carry someone else's p**s  
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