Ok, I'm signing up for the army, and my recruiter has been giving me mock drug tests until I'm clean enough for the real one givin by MEPS ( I am a teenager, and believe it or not, I used to smoke pot, shocker ).
3 days ago, He told me my system was clean and I was ready for the official one. I saw the tester-stick-thingy and the red line was barely visible at all, but I took his word for it anyway. I also bought a masking agent drink ( I was told to buy it by my recruiter, and it has worked on my friends that joined the army before me)
Anyway, I woke up at 4 in the mourning to goto MEPS, drank the masking agent, took another mock drug test before I left....and I failed it. I have not smoked pot since my recruiter told me that I passed. I have not been in the situation to inhale second hand ethier. Whats the deal?