
Drug test tomorrow?

by  |  earlier

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so i have a drug test in about 4-6 hours i bought a cleaner called "strip" and have takin it about 3 hours ago and have been drinking water non stop my pee is clear like water im tired and want to go to bed for a while... is that ok? or should i keep drinking water non stop intill i take the test?




  1. Man, I hope they catch you and do whatever

    they need to.  If this is school, I hope they

    kick you out.  If this is a job, I hope they fire

    you.  Are you driving a truck while high?

    Are you driving a school bus? an airplane?

    a taxi cab?  What are you doing when you

    are high that puts others lives in jeopardy

    because you are so stupid.  I hope you get

    busted big time!!!!

  2. you should be clean for four hours after taking the strip if your pee is like water you are ready to take the test, for best results take the strip 4 hours before the  test an drink plenty of water close to dead line pee atleast 3 times before test and when pee is clear you are ready , it really works if not i wouldnt have a job.

  3. yeh if its diluted they will make u take it again, if they let u. get ur p**s to turn yellow again. u can buy drug tests at wallgreens and i think walmart if u want to be sure, good luck dude. hopefully its not a probation officer and is just a job. u can also but i pisser at any smoke shop. its looks like a d**k. and it's real p**s. thats the onnly thingive heard that is %100 . email me dude.

  4. alright keep drinking alot of water.

    you dont want your urine to come up as a diluted sample.

    if you p**s clear for the test they won't accept it.

    i suggest taking b vitamins.

    if you take alot of b vitamins it will make your p**s yellow again.

    also drink cranberry juice or take the cranberry pills.

    also take creatine supplements.

    beer and coffee are good things to drink too.

    i have taken niacin too and have passed drug tests.

    make sure its not the slow releasing kind though.

    it does cause itchiness so be warned.

    lastly you could just ask someone who is clean to p**s in a bottle for you and you could smuggle it in your pants.

    when i had to p**s there was no room for this because they watched you p**s through a door or window and the room was full of mirrors giving them different angles of you peeing into the cup.

    if this is for a job they dont even watch you.

    they give you a cup and let you pee in a closed room.

  5. A prick on the finger, and a couple drops of blood, or a salt packet will throw it off.

  6. you should not have used drugs, then you wouldn't be in this predicament

  7. depends on when you last used the drug. if it was in the last week, you're probably screwed

  8. no keep the product in your system as long is possible.

    every time you drink water you clear your body.but depends on what if its THC you worry about it will come back as positive if system clear

  9. If I was in your situation I would probably play it safe and stay awake and keep chugging gallon after gallon of water. Especially if this isn't for a job and is for parole/probation.

  10. you should be fine unelss you shot up some stuff that takes about 48--72 hours to drain out and an 8 pack of huge water bottles washes all else out

  11. keep drinking water up until you enter the office. good luck.

    and don't do drugs its really bad for you.

  12. Don't do drugs's bad for u :(
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