
Drug tests?!!? help me please!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so in a couple days or in a week or two I'm gonna go to the doctors for a heart problem and she's going to run a whole lot of tests on me. She will possibly drug test me as well. Now, I have never had anything in my system besides marijuana at all. I have smoked recently, and I'm quite worried. I've never been confronted with this type of a problem before so I don't now what to expect. If I am drug tested, I know I'll come up positive for THC. I know that pickle juice, drinking lots of water, ect.. will not work. So, if said doctor finds it in my urine, saliva or whatever, what will happen? My friends said she will just tell me not to do it anymore. Will I get rehab? Probation? A fee? What? Please help me out! And for those people that will say "you shouldn't have done the drugs in the first place" I know that. Thanks for your time.




  1. You are not going to get arrested for having pot in your system. There is no law against that. Possession of pot is illegal, but mot having it in your system. If that were the case then everyone who has ever failed a drug test would be in jail. You will probably get a good talking to but that's about it.I know you say you have given it up, but make sure you have. If a doctor does not believe that you have, they can refuse to treat you anymore. Do yourself a favor and really quit.

  2. Hey, it's no ones business what you do to yourself.

    If the doctor notices your blood test shows THC, so what.  Doctors are smart and most are not psychiatrists who analyze you.  If they mention it for your health, then listen.

    There is patient confidentiality so they won't tell anyone else unless you sign a release of information.  In fact, some medical practictioners believe there are medicinal benefits with pot.  Don't worry about it, they will be more concerned with your cholesterol and caffine and such.

    The only problem is when the practice becomes an addiction and you lose control over your life.  Some people will be addicts and some recreational users.

  3. Ok well this may not be the answer you want but it is the best I've got.  First off, as crazy as this sounds you want your doctor to know about your drug use (as much or little as it may be).  In terms of blockers or maskers I would recommend against it.  The simple truth is that your doctor is a doctor so that means he/she is pretty smart.  If you take something to mask the THC your doctor will see that, if you try to drink tons of water to dilute it they will not be able to get an accurate test result and you'll just have to go back again.  In the event blood work is needed as is most likely the case with a heart condition, there is nothing you can do to block that.  The truth is that you will not get sent to rehab, you will probably be told to stop and your doctor will be able to make a correct diagnosis and help what may or may not be a serious problem.  It is scary but you will be better off in the long run.  

       Doctors want to help you get better and while they will tell you how to live healthier they understand you will do what you want so the best case scenario for them is to make you feel like you can be honest with them so they can help you.

         Best of luck with the doctors visit, got my fingers crossed.  

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