
Drugs and Athletes - Am I the only one who wonders?

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Every time I see an athlete break a record, there is this nagging doubt about whether they were clean. Am I the only one who feels this way? Also, with the BILLIONS of dollars that the Olympics generate, why do the greedy administrators that comprise the IOC not create a weekly/monthly drug testing regime for the athletes that runs ALL year, every year for the duration of their competitive lives?

This way we, and more importantly the athletes themselves, would know that it was a level playing field and a lot of the lost prestige could be reattached to Olympic glory.

What do you think?




  1. Unfortunately, some of the latest substances can't be detected. They mimic the body's own natural chemicals and can not be distinguished from them. This includes genetic doping.

    Instead of just bashing down on the athletes I would like to see more crackdowns on the companies that manufacture these drugs.

    At the moment, there is much more money in making these substances then there is available to the anti-doping agency's that are trying to detect them.

  2. I reckon around half a dozen athletes have been kicked out for drug abuse now are you trying to tell me that they took drugs without a strong belief they had a chance of getting away with it perhaps by using masking agents etc? That being the case it's obvious that a great many more have taken drugs and are getting away with it.  

  3. I agree with you and it's unfortunate that we feel this way. Sports, as a whole, has been tainted by the steroids that followed the greed.  

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